How does China manage to make friends with three sworn enemies – Israel, Iran, and Saudi Arabia?


Iran, Israel, and Saudi Arabia are almost always on opposite sides of the barricades in any diplomatic conflict. But even these countries have something in common – for example, friendship with China.

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<figcaption> Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  For decades, these key players in the geopolitics of the Middle East have been suspicious of each other, and their relationship can be defined as a cross between "complex" and "nonexistent". </p>
<p>  Tehran and Riyadh The Shiite and Sunni (respectively) forces of the region, conflict through their allies – Syria, Yemen and even the Palestinian Authority. At the same time, both countries criticize Israel for its role in the Middle East conflict. </p>
<p>  At the same time, Israel and Saudi Arabia see a threat to themselves in the Iranian nuclear program. Both states are allies of Washington, which in turn opposes Tehran. </p>
<p>  Neither Iran nor Saudi Arabia have diplomatic relations with Israel. </p>
<p>  Nevertheless, China has managed to build strong and effective relations with all three parties. The tension between the Middle East partners in Beijing does not seem to be interfering. </p>
<p>  How did this happen? First and foremost, China has carefully considered the strategy of rapprochement with Middle Eastern actors, as evidenced by reciprocal visits in recent years. </p>
<p>  The last visit took place in June 2018 when the Iranian leader Hasan Ruhani visited China. partner for Iran </h2>
<p>  Relations between China and Iran have been strengthened thanks to the Islamic revolution of 1979, after which Iran found itself in the US. international isolation. During the war between Iran and Iraq (from 1980 to 1988), Beijing was a major supplier of arms to Tehran. </p>
<p>  At zero while Washington and the European Union were extending their sanctions against Iran, attempting to halt its nuclear program, China was continuing relations with Tehran, providing the country with goods that it had. he had nowhere else. </p>
<p>  Trade relations continued even after in 2010 China supported the UN's anti-Iranian sanctions. In addition to importing Iranian oil, Beijing was supplying its goods to the Iranian market without too much competition. </p>
<p>  The geographical location of Iran – at the crossroads of the Middle East, Asia, and Europe – has allowed it to become one of the largest projects in the world. China under the name "One belt and one way". This initiative consists of creating a new international trade corridor and combining two projects: the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Silk Road. </p>
<p>  The goal of this initiative is to become an important strategic point of the new Silk Road. between East and West. In addition, relations between China and Iran have become doubly important after Washington's withdrawal from the nuclear agreement on Iran, the multilateral agreement on the Iranian nuclear program concluded under Barack Obama. </p>
<p>  "Washington has not hesitated to investigate a number of Chinese companies and has imposed sanctions against them for doing business with Iran.But large corporations are still actively working [в Иране] and many others will replace Western competitors who have left the market, "Iranian experts wrote in the Foreign Affairs Magazine <strong> Dina Esfandiari </strong> and <strong> Arian Tabatabay </strong>. 19659010] High Technology and Tourism in Israel </h2>
<p>  What is the world's superpower badociated with Israel? The United States comes immediately to mind. </p>
<p>  At the same time, Israel is also linked to China by rapidly developing economic ties. During the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Beijing last year, the parties signed agreements worth $ 25 billion. </p>
<p>  Netanyahu said China represents one-third of investment in Israel's high-tech sector. Only in 2016, direct investment amounted to $ 16 billion – mainly through the acquisition of shares of Israeli high-tech companies. </p>
<p>  China actively supports the tourism industry in Israel: in 2017, more than 100,000 Chinese tourists visited this country. Twice as much as in 2015. </p>
<p>  <strong> Elliot Abrams </strong> senior researcher at the Washington Analytical Center of the Council on Foreign Relations, believes that Beijing and Tel Aviv are pragmatic. </p>
<p>  "For Izra There is also some kind of compensation for boycotting some other countries," says Abrams. </p>
<p>  Netanyahu has repeatedly expressed the hope that economic ties will lead to a more loyal attitude on the part of China on the political scene. At the UN Security Council, Beijing voted against the resolutions in favor of Israel </p>
<h2>  More than oil </h2>
<p>  In March 2017, Chinese President Xi Jinping welcomed the Saudi King, Salman bin Abdul-Aziz. It was mainly fossil fuel, but after the meeting, the parties also announced the conclusion of economic and trade agreements in areas such as space and renewable energy. [19659004"SaudiArabiaisconvincedthatthepriceofforeignerswillnotreachmorethan$100inapredictablefutureanditistimetothinkaboutthediversificationofbadets"explainsbadystDavidDaalalu</p>
<p>  Eisovan in Saudi oil willingly invests in the kingdom's infrastructure, thus increasing its presence in the Middle East, "said the expert. </p>
<p>  For Saudi Arabia, China is the largest trading partner and the second largest importer of Saudi oil .. Politically, countries do not always agree with each other. [19659004] For example, in accordance with Riyadh's interests, Beijing helped the Yemeni government fight the Husit rebels, but with the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, China began to support the Bashar al-Qaeda regime. Assad, despite the fact that the Saudis considered Assad their enemy </p>
<h2>  Boundaries of Success </p>
<h2>  How the China managed to avoid difficulties with the three countries? According to Emily Hawthorne <strong> an expert on the American geopolitical badysis firm Stratford, it has always been possible to maintain stable relations with the countries of the Middle East without complicating regional political and religious conflicts. "He managed not to occupy anyone's side in such a polarized area." </p>
<p>  "China has clearly stated what it can offer in terms of the economy, and the partners are happy to do business with it, because Beijing does not impose any ideology, unlike United States, for example, "he adds. </p>
<p>  Unlike Washington, Beijing does not offer help for human rights. According to Hawthorne, China in the Middle East has three main interests : Energy Security, Business Opportunities in the High-Tech Sector and Investments in the One-Way and One-Way Project </p>
<p>  "These Priorities are at the Heart of Relationships According to Emily Hawthorne, </p>
<p>  She believes that the Beijing strategy has been very successful so far, but one day her growing presence in the Middle East may become a problem. take care of China, Israel and Saudi Arabia shares, because it is an economic threat to him, and will also consider Beijing's stance on Iran as a clear challenge to its sanctions, "concludes l & # 39; badyst. </p>
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