How "Greyhound" makes Pruzhany a little better


In Pruzhany, the history of relations between the authorities and local residents is divided into two periods: before the appearance in the city of Victoria Onohova-Zhuravleva and after. When it was better in the district center, everyone had their own opinion, but all agreed on one thing: the earlier it was quieter. We lived with an old roof at the school, with automatic doors that did not work at the grocery store, with a vacant lot on the outskirts – and they were not crying. And here, in the hut of the edge of the "aunt greyhound", who does not want to "sit on the nails". Everything moves, writes calls, calls, requests. The roof at the school, repair, fallow fence, restore the old wing in the park, explain why the regional executive committee Qashqai bought, not special vehicles for children with disabilities. Just now, sidewalks and bike lanes have been demanded in the streets to ensure that children who go to school are not shot.

  Photo: Stanislav Korshunov "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: // " data-y-width = "720" zoom-data = "1" height = "480" hspace = "0" src = "https: // .jpg "title =" Photo: Stanislav Korshunov "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Victoria Onohova-Zhuravleva – mother and guardian of 13 children. In Pruzhany, she moved from Minsk </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The district center was stuck in the transition phase of urban evolution. It's already far from being a village, but not yet a city. Rather – a city without an agro prefix. Small, calm, comfortable, green. There is everything you need (even your parmesan cheese!), And for those who do not, you can go to Brest or the capital. Families with children here have an expanse: schools, sports fields, an ice palace and a water park within walking distance. </p>
<p>  But Pruzhany can be further improved, I am sure <strong> Victoria </strong>. She is one of those who "need more than anything": she does not want to say anything, she will say nothing, she will write, she will wait for an answer, she will call, if necessary, but she will reach him [19659005]. but also outside. They are not such that my site ends with my closing. It's very beautiful here. Very western. It seems that even a little bit – and it will be great, – Victoria is sure and does everything to make the Pruzhany "again great" </p>
<h2>  "Now, the guardians and sellers love me with all their heart. "</h2>
<p>  Onohovyh-Zhuravlev House is located on the outskirts of the city. From the second floor window you can see the young orchard. Thin and fragile trunks carefully placed in the middle of a green lawn. Previously, there was a vacant lot along which cars left for Ozernaya Street. In the autumn there was a mudslide, in the spring there were puddles of water in the winter mud </p>
<p>  – Everything was raspy here, – explained Victoria – They turned to the communal workers . We arrived, leveled, planted. Now there is an orchard. Everything is normal: cyclists drive along the way, cars – no. Last fall, we still wrapped the site with a ribbon so cars would not leave. </p>
<p>  Reclaimed fallow land became the first small victory to "come in large numbers". Then she wrote a call to the regional executive committee with a request to put a sign "residential area" in the street near the house. This is not a whim, but a security problem: the Onokhovs-Zhuravlevs family often goes to the stadium, which is on the other side of the street, there is no pbadage for pedestrians nearby. In addition, the house is at a turning point, which limits visibility. </p>
<p>  The district authorities went to meet each other. </p>
<p>  – I have the answer: they can not put such a mark, but they put a sign "Attention Children" Victoria. </p>
<p>  More – more. After his treatment in the city, they promised to install a lantern near the school and, in the shop, the automatic doors were finally working: </p>
<p>  – I was still carrying a cart loaded with food and he m & rsquo; Was uncomfortable to open, forgive, the back door of an ordinary door. I started writing to do something about it. </p>
<p>  The calls helped. After a while in the Pruzhany store, automatic doors were opened, which were installed in such a way that the cold air of the street did not blow the cashiers. </p>
<p>  – Now the guardian and the salesmen love me with all my heart. The caretaker approached me and said, "Thank you, now we have such a door," said Victoria, adding that some residents of the city "are very happy that she is a greyhound aunt. " </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Stanislav Korshunov
Children of Onokhov-Zhuravlevs in the pool in the courtyard of the house

"The basis for the purchase of Nissan Qashqai was its great cross-country capability "

On this crusade, Victoria for the" Pruzhany "did not end. On the contrary, the scale has increased.

– I went to the public procurement site – and I see that the executive committee has bought Nissan Qashqai. At the same time, I know that there is no special bus refitted for the children of the rehabilitation and rehabilitation training center. Imagine that they are tied with scarves in ordinary minibuses so that they do not fall while driving, "worries Victoria.

She wrote a request asking her to explain the reasons for the purchase of a new imported official car. Received a response from the District Executive Committee:

"The Nissan Qashqai car produced by the Russian Federation has four-wheel drive, which is one of the conditions for its operation on different types of roads. Because the main part of the roads in the Pruzhany area is covered with gravel and dirt, the base of the Nissan Qashqai purchase has been its great cross-country capability.High landing of the car allows you to Reach the remote settlements of the area and monitor the progress of agricultural work and field field.At the time of the announcement of the purchase of this car or its badog offers on d & # 39; 39, other models of cars did not arrive. "

Nissan Qashqai. Photo of the archive

Also in response he was informed that the 2007 GAZ 32 213 car of the standard production version, which ensures the transport of children to the institution and regularly, has badigned to the Regional Training and Rehabilitation Center. the implementation of the project "School Bus" of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus, the application of the Department of Education, Sports and Tourism District Executive Committee to buy 1 unit of Special material in 2017 is not satisfied. Currently (…) a petition on the acquisition of a special equipment unit (…) in 2018 has been prepared and sent to the Department of Education Regional Executive Committee ", said the district executive committee in a letter.

The story does not stop there. According to Victoria, after her treatment, state control found violations of procurement rules and attracted members of the Committee on Public Procurement in administrative responsibility for violation of the procedure for the use of budgetary funds, Vika also asked the authorities to improve the territory of the Communal households have cleaned the water area of ​​the garbage, but the urns, as requested by Victoria, have not been established: there is no point in "provoking an unsystematic waste collection". In exchange, they set up warning of the pollution of the coastal territory, and the militia were ordered to conduct raids.

The Onohov-Zhuravlev family periodically organizes the cleaning of the water area. Last time, 22 huge packages with garbage were removed

 Photo: Stanislav Korshunov "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 728 "data-x-src =" https: // img .tyt. by / n / regiony / 00/0 / pruzhany_semia_doroga_2018_1.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-height =" 436 "data-y-src =" /n/regiony/00/0/pruzhany_semia_doroga_2018_1.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 437 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: //img.tyt. By the way, Victoria's address in the southeastern wing of the school, where her kids were going, were mending the roof. </p>
<p>  – I came to clbad to take the kids and I saw that on one side the board was hanging, and the kids from school. They face the opposite wall because Niagara runs there: plates, ponds, buckets, even a chalk board is set up to collect the water. </p>
<p>  Naturally, the mother indignant </p>
<h2>  "Except in the middle of the road, it is impossible to travel – puddles 19659007] In the new school year, the children of the Onokhov-Zhuravlev family will go to another school – about 7 minutes walk from their house Although the distance is small, the road crosses the streets without sidewalks.There are only curbs in which puddles accumulate in rainy weather. roads are two lane, far from the center of the city exactly so that you can not pay attention to them until the first shot the child.Victoria brings 13 children, of which 11 are schoolchildren , and does not want his child to be the starting point to improve road safety.It is best to prevent, believes the mother reasonably. </p>
<p>  <img alt=

– We have 11 students this year. It's a disaster, I really should be in a reflective vest light to accompany them to school because in bad weather they'll have to go the road … Today I sat on the main road, I went through the city, but in the middle of the road it is impossible to travel – the puddles and the transport of bicycles. "Motorists are unhappy – I know I'm a driver."

Appeal to the regional executive committee with a request to equip sidewalks along the roads in the streets of Vishnevetsky, 60 years of October, Kostyakov, Khoruzh. The layout of sidewalks in the existing residential development area of ​​No. 1 high school refers to the new construction of outdoor landscaping and provides not only the performance of sidewalk equipment, but also the production of design estimates for specified types of work. Due to the lack of financial resources in the district budget for the last 5 years, funds for the reconstruction, modernization and renovation of external improvement facilities have not been allocated. It is not envisaged to allocate budget funds for the construction of new sidewalks and in 2018, "wrote the letter of the district executive committee.

 Photo: Stanislav Korshunov" border = " 0 "data-x-height =" 728 "data-x -src =" "data-x-width =" 1200 "data -y-height = "436" data-y-src = "" data-y-width = "720" data- zoom = "1" height = "437" hspace = "0" src = "" title = "Photo: Stanislav Korshunov" vspace = "0" width = "720" /> [19659004] In response, Victoria has prepared a new proposal, a cheaper bill for the budget: to make these streets unilateral and obor The width of the bands on the streets above is 2.75 to 3 meters. Given these circumstances, the Panel decided not to allocate additional road features due to the violation of regulatory requirements. "</p>
<h2>" People with three clbades of the school can submit such an idea "</h2>
<p>  <strong>] in conversation TUT.BY reported that the final decision on Victoria's treatment about the Planning has not yet been done As explained by Mikhail Nikolaevich, it is necessary to find a solution that would suit the maximum number of residents of this district.After all, some advocate one-way traffic , others to facilitate access to their home. </p>
<p>  – We must study public opinion.It is a matter of time, "says the district chief. </p>
<p>  According to him, the question of organizing a one-way movement in the streets of Vishnevetsky, 60 years of October, Kostyakov, Khoruzha was considered at the district level. Then the local authorities decided to give the local newspaper "Raionnyi Budni" a survey of the population to find out their opinion. </p>
<p>  – I always listen to people who arouse something. You can have three or five graduate studies – and not have a brain. And people with three clbades in the school can submit such an idea … But everything should be checked, studied, – Michael Krejdich summed up. </p>
<p>  Victoria, of course, has more than "three clbades of school". There is higher education, brains and a lot of life experience. Which, of course, still does not give him the right to teach local authorities how to run the region. But to invite and ask – completely </p>
<p>  <img alt=

Recently, the district has released preliminary results – it is not the same. is not advisable to change the organization of traffic.

"The fact is that one-way traffic is only possible where drivers are provided In the mentioned streets, only Lenin Street, already literally overloaded with transportation, can offer such an opportunity streets, "it was reported in the article.

The journalists of the publication also did a study of a site that Victoria suggested to make unilateral.

" Indeed, places for the arrangement of sidewalks. They can only be done if you fill ditches that can be close to the fences of private houses, and sometimes in the gardens of local residents. But that will only complicate the problem, and no one will. The only thing that can be done now, without affecting the interests of many, is to install road signs with speed limits, "says the reporter.

 Photo: Stanislav Korshunov" border = "0" data-x-height = "770" data-x-src = "" data-x-width = "1200" data-y-height = "462" data -y-src = "" data-y-width = "720" data -zoom = "1" height = "462" hspace = "0" src = "" title = "Photo: Stanislav Korshunov "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/> </p>
<h2>" Why am I doing this, maybe somebody else? "</h2>
<p>  Victoria does not lose hope that this one in The poll has already been decided, and a petition to collect signatures under the appropriate call has already appeared r Internet. </p>
<p>  – I also do it for kids – I want them to see that everything depends on us, so they are not afraid to ask. will receive a rejection in life. But at least they asked, tried, tried. They have an example that we should not be afraid of the authorities – we should interact with them. If something does not work as we want it, we can find a compromise, find other ways. I am doing this so that they have an example. Do not sit on a nail and sit down "mozha, and treba". I have seen happy cyclists in Holland, Germany, Spain and other countries – and I want this positive experience to hang around here. Sometimes, of course, I wonder, "Why am I doing this, maybe, someone else?" But then I understand that I can not do it in a different way, so I will continue to try to make the Pruzhany even better. </p>
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