How migrants try to arrive in the United States


Traveling on the rooftops of freight trains is life threatening, but many Central American migrants risk everything to be in the United States, where, as they believe, a better life awaits them.

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<p>  Sitting on the rails, Louise Marina and her 11-year-old daughter Angie wait patiently for La Bestia (the beast is translated from Spanish.) – Ed. They made a three-day trip from Honduras to get lost in the jungle of the Mexican city of Palenque. The last two days, they had to sleep on the street. </p>
<p>  "I have heard so many terrible stories on this train that I am afraid to go in. I pray to God that he protects us and allows us to get away with it. to reach our goal alive and in good health ", – says Louise Marina, sitting in a crowd of migrants who are also waiting for La Bestia. "Bestia" or "train of death" – the so-called goods trains that cross Mexico on the road of Guatemala – the United States. Each year, about 500,000 Central American migrants risk their lives on the roofs of these trains to the US border. </p>
<h2>  Migrants from Central America: risking their lives for a better life </h2>
<p>  Traveling on the roof of La Bestia seems a lot The fastest and cheapest way to cross Mexico and reach the United States, but in reality, they are very likely. They can be attacked, raped and even killed by local gang members who do not hesitate to take away their miserable belongings and the hard-earned money of migrants. </p>
<p>  At half past four in the morning, the train arrives unexpectedly. Awakened by the sound of metal wheels, Louise Marina, picking up her backpack, rushes with her daughter on the train. "Thank God, we will not have to sit on the roof," expires the breathless woman, helping the girl to climb on the narrow platform between the two cars </p>
<p>  The roof fall of a moving train is a danger to the pbadengers. there is nothing to remember, and sometimes the trip can end in serious injuries, amputations or even death. Louise Marina and her daughter stand on a narrow platform between two cars, pressed by a dozen other migrants, and anxiously await the departure of the train. "I heard that children were being kidnapped in the United States and that parents were being deported.I would not survive if I were separated from my daughter, so we would leave the United States together," says the woman </p>
<h2>  Long and dangerous trip to the United States </h2>
<p>  After sunrise, the air becomes warmer.The roar of the coats of cars rubbing against each other The pbadengers are tired, some of them climb the roof of the train, where they try to sleep. "We call these trains" La Bestia "because it is very dangerous to ride them. . It's like riding a wild bull, "says Jorge Cruz, sitting on the roof of the car. </p>
<p>  Jorge is from Honduras, he is over 20 years old, he was already living in American Maryland, but he was expelled from the United States a month ago. Now the guy is trying to get back there. "I lived discreetly and without being noticed, but I was detained by migration services and refused to grant asylum." I have to fight for a better life, "he adds with conviction, avoiding the branches of trees badping the roof of the train </p>
<p>  The Bestia stops suddenly and several young people decide to get off the train to pick up mango in the forest, that they took with them on the road, quickly finished. "There is nothing to buy food on the train, and we do not have any money. One of the fruits of the trees is a hope, "says Angel, traveling to the United States with his daughter-in-law and his four-year-old son </p>
<p>  Several men standing on the embankment took advantage of the sudden stop of the train for climb quickly on the roof. One of them has an amputated leg, holding crutches in his hand. "I had to cut my leg last year – after jumping off the train without success." I tried to escape the Mexican migratory patrol, he said. [19659004] Angie, 11, sitting on her mother's lap, is eating mangoes.The money to buy food, they do not do it. "We walked three days to get on this train. Sometimes we come to find food, sometimes no. It's a pity to say, but sometimes you have to drink toilet water, "admits Louisa Marina </p>
<p>  The trip on the" train of death "lasted more than 10 hours and one does not know when The Bestia reaches the next destination – the town of Chontalpa, 1500 kilometers from the nearest border point with the USA </p>
<p>  "All mothers think about their children, we do not want anything bad to happen to them, so we take them with us, we can not allow them to suffer at home, "concludes Marina Louise </p>
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