How to spend a week wisely? Select


The new week begins after a single weekend, but we are strong, we will get by. Five days later, we propose an action plan: a conference on advertising and evaluation of creative products, a spectacular concert Muse on the big screen, a story about the art galleries the most important in the world. These and other events are in the "smart" poster.

The Body says

Today in worship. Center "Corpus" will be the next conference of the cycle "The Corpus Speaks". Here, they will talk about advertising and good product evaluation of creativity in the context of speech badysis. As a speaker, a young scientist, a medical psychologist, a lecturer at BSU FSSS Alexander Lozovsky will speak. The entrance by tradition will be free.

Why should I go?

Alexander is a specialist in the badysis of discourse, a destroyer of legends and a popularizer of academic psychology. In general, it will be possible to hear quite complex things, described in clear language.

Go see. The World's Most Important Art Forums

On Wednesday at the Fox Hub, you can listen to a lecture on the world's most important art forums. You will discover where modern art lives, in which galleries, in which biennial and artistic forums you can see the most relevant, interesting and iconic for our art of the time. The entrance to the conference will cost 12 rubles, for students there are discounts.

Why should I go?

In these places a culture of the present and the future is created. What is shown here, will go down in the history textbooks, will affect the next generations and shape the face of our world. During the conference, you will find addresses, dates, descriptions, key elements to not get lost in the world of great art

Muse: Drones World Tour

The Silver Screen movie channel will host an exclusive program of the group Multicultural British Muse "Drones World Tour." The show's demonstration takes place this day around the world. "Drones World Tour" was shot as part of the 2016 world tour – very dramatic and large-scale.

Why Should I go there?

The concert is filled with powerful special effects, completing the high professional level of the musicians.The key moments of the show are created by drones hovering over a crowd of fans , giant laser projections and complex LED screens – in short, the incredible scale of the show, without which it is difficult to imagine the world of contemporary pop music.

Anton Ripatti [1965] 9003] Anton Ripatti will perform at the Azgur Museum on Friday. This guy runs between Moscow, Berlin and Prague and plays strange sets. The organizers describe it as: crazy badtails based on blues, psychedelism, guitar, jazz, ambient, German cabaret, rock'n'roll, French song, black , carnival and absurdity. The entrance will cost 8 rubles

Why do we have to go there?

It is said that Anton's performance accompanies the theatrical-lynch show, after which the wonder and astonishment of the audience are lined with pleasure. In general, a great chance to leave the comfort zone for some time and see and hear something unusual.

The Art Festival "The Crow"

The weekend at the Blique Gallery will be held an art festival. This event will bring together people from different directions: illustrators, artists, designers, photographers, marketers, entrepreneurs, bloggers and all those for whom contemporary art is an integral part of the activity and self-realization. A standard ticket for the event will cost 3 rubles.

Why do I have to go?

At the festival, the main issue will be contemporary art. Through the prism of the topics discussed, the speakers will unveil the rapid development of new technologies and the impact of these changes on contemporary art, the person and his work.

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