How to spend a week wisely? Select


The week promises to be really summer. Once time deprives you of the opportunity to walk in the evening and enjoy summertime happiness, do not miss the opportunity to pump your mind (for whatever reason, the rain pours out !). We have gathered for you a map of smart events in the week – come and go.

The Body says

The theme of today's lecture is "Journey to the West". It is the history of penetration of the art of the East in our "western" culture. Nikita Monich will show by examples that, when and how the European artistic tradition was adopted by the cultures of Asia. Knowing this process allows us to learn new about the art of the East and complicate our understanding of the art of the West.

Why is it necessary to go there?

Nikita Monich – steep. Orientalist, guide, researcher of the Russian and Foreign Art Department of the National Museum of Art of Belarus. He graduated from BSU's Faculty of International Relations. He speaks Spanish, French, English and Chinese. Instead of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a strict prosecution, he chose the museum rooms that had felt antiquity. On the left hand, he stuffs the World Tree, and to the right the demon of Hundun's chaos, the gods Fu Xi and Nyuva, the Buddha, Chuang Tzu and Confucius – that's half of the mythology and all natural philosophy in compressed form. Ready to confront any technician in a verbal duel and convince that the art is worth it.

Minsk Improvisers Orchestra

Tuesday at 20:00 in the same "Body" begins the next concert of the Minsk Improvisers Orchestra "The theme of the next concert will be prayer.I hope it will be very calm. " – says the conductor and founder of the orchestra Alexei Vorsoba

Why do we have to go there?

Musicians of different levels of the game and musical trends meet musical perspectives of the world, speaking different languages, but understand each other. In MIO, you can get a great improv experience, learn to get into a musical trance, clean your head of all that is superfluous. So the participants say. The right of entry is at your discretion

"Wings without weights"

Thursday, July 19 in the Art Gallery-living room "Art Chaos" (Dana Mall) will open a solo exhibition of the artist Belarusian painter Eugene Ivanesko (1936-2013). The exhibition includes paintings by the author, written in the period 60-80-ies. They can be conditionally called still lifes – the genre is combined with elements of a landscape or an interior. From still life to the ordinary sense of the genre, they are distinguished by a deep symbolic, allegorical and philosophical content. The entrance is free

Why do I have to go there?

Evgeny Ivanesko graduated from the Repin Academy in St. Petersburg. Member of the Union of Artists of the USSR and the BSSR. The works of the artist are in private collections and museum collections in Belarus and abroad.

The black comedy "Under the Tree"

The Nordic and Baltic festival "Panochnae zyanne" begins the selection of selected films. The program begins on July 19 in the Silver Screen Cinemas (Dana Mall) by the Icelandic black comedy "Under the Tree".

This is the story of a difficult relationship that becomes uncontrollable and turns into a real war. Agnes throws Utley and does not want him to see his daughter. Utley moves to his parents' home, who have started an argument with the neighbors because of a large tree growing just at the border of their plots. While Ulley fights for the right to see his daughter, the conflict between neighbors turns into a scene: the goods are damaged, the animals mysteriously disappear, CCTV cameras are installed everywhere and rumors circulate that one of the neighbors would have been seen with a chainsaw

The world premiere of the film "Under the Tree" took place in 2017 at the Venice Film Festival, where the band participated in the section of the contest "Horizons". In April 2018, the film entered the program of the film festival "Panoznae zyanne", now everyone who missed the only festival has a second chance to watch this incredible movie.

Festival "National Nights.v2.0". Cuba

The party will begin on July 20th at 8:00 pm in the Riviera Country Club resort. They promise a captivating salsa, taste Cuban cuisine, search for treasures, awaken the Che-rebel spirit, no woman crying and do not smoke, the Hemingway Corner, etc. Organizers invite to a Cuban carnival costume – the best will receive a prize

A special guest, the Havana Orchestra of the Cuban Orchestra, will present two hours of original compositions and success Cubans of world renown. Six Cuban musicians, who have managed to conquer the public, the Latin-American rhythms are already well beyond their homeland. Including on their account joint performances with the rapper Hamil de Casta and the singer Manizha

Electronic books in the catalog

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