"I do not want to do anything." As welder Vasya of Smorgon moved in the form of a blog


Smorgon has a delicious ice cream and sour cream, a childhood bread, a cozy park in the center of the city, broken roads, ruined, an optical machine tools factory and Vasya is a welder of profession and videographer by vocation. Once in search of money, Vasya almost fell into slavery, today he lives in an inn, turns videos on his beloved city and does not dream of Minsk. In general, an amazing person.


Conquering Moscow, kidnapped kidneys and lost money

Vasya is a positive, polite and kind, as is her last name – Dobriwechern. The native Smorgonets, like everyone else (not even the Smorgonians), are graduates of high school. Then he learned the trade of welder and went to raise the production of the country to the local branch of MTW. And to this day, he works as a welder in the third shop of the badembly plant. But the city knows the guy like "oh, it's Vasya Dobriwecher! Whoever shoots!"

Video Vasya started shooting a year ago. For a long time, it was not up to par – there was a family, two children, the incomes were not always stable, they went to Russia in the "youth"

– He n & # 39; 39, there was no idea to stay there

neighbor to Vasya is not the most pleasant. No, today, with a smile, he tells how he got into the slavery of the workers, had the kidneys of the police and was left penniless in his pocket. But then, it was clearly not laughing.

– I just arrived at the station, and behind us – security. Caught by the skin, thrown into the pearls, threatened, and back to work.

The story is clbadic. In search of a long ruble or at least wooden, Vasya went somewhere in the suburbs to build a hotel. Of course, illegally. All around, as it should be, dirt, wood and hungry wolves, that is, brothers in misfortune. They promised a change of shift: you work for three weeks, you receive money and you go home for a week. Vasya suspected that something was wrong when five weeks had pbaded, but neither the money nor the "suitcase, the station, the house" had not waited. The night I decided to run with three compatriots

– They only came to the station, and behind us – security. They grabbed by the skin, threw it into the pearls, threatened, and again to work. Well, I made friends with the brigadier there, also the name of Vasya. I came up with a story, as if I had problems at home, and I had to leave for a few days. He dropped and gave $ 400 – much less than won, but I was always happy that this elephant. Kirazachi in his hands – and soon to the station!

Inspired by freedom, Dobriwecher bought stiff white sneakers, a hat and a DVD of the "three in one" series. The remaining money gathers cautiously in different places – something in the secret pocket of the jacket, something in the crocheted boot, a trifle left in his pockets.

– I am so glad to be at the railway station of Belarus. Bag by the shoulder, sneakers on the legs, hat on the head, black beard on the face. I dream of how I will spend my grandmothers at home, and then I hear: "Young man!" I accelerate, then I punish my shoulder, I look around the police. They took Vasya to the strong point, they removed the laces of the "cross" white, they dragged the club on the kidneys, so that he can remember where there was money, in addition pockets, which in turn what order will watch the DVD with the novelties.

– I called the leader and I say, maybe we will separate fraternally? In general, I gave them all the money – and I bet. The laces in the pocket, the bag on the shoulder, the hat on the head – and on the train. And I think myself, at least I have not seen any other militia, I have nothing left, I will be stuck then how much.

At that time, Vasya returned without money and DVDs, but in snow-white sneakers. After that, I went to work several more times, but now I have attached to it for three years.

"Jellyfish" at Smorgon and hundreds of thousands of sights

Why Vasya started shooting, he does not know himself. He said that he liked taking pictures for a long time, he considered photography as a living memory. In one way or another, I got hooked on the local group "Smorgon Rumors" and decided – why not make a video about local customers, known by their publications, but who have not been seen live?

– The main problem – I did not have a camera, only a phone. Well, the knowledge lent GoPro and the tripod. The first videos lasted about ten minutes. There was nothing – just one duplicate recording. No editing, no music, no effects – nothing …

Broadcast the first video in public, where almost half of the city drags was scary. But it turned out that the content is more important than the technical execution. The video was accepted with a bang, they began to demand the lawsuit.

What does Vasya remove? Yes, about everything. In a city with fewer than 40,000 people, he finds interesting people and fun events. Artist Ivan, cyclist with daily errands like a seasoned motorist, self-taught waterfall, retro party, biathlon tractor … In general, there are enough parcels. Once the idea is born to do something like a mini-show called "Shalny rubel", where Vasya asks questions to citizens about Smorgon and rewards them with an entire ruble for the correct answers

"The first videos lasted about ten minutes.It was nothing – just a duplicate recording.No editing, no music, no effects – nothing. "

Little to little, the creative level began to catch up. Started with video editing … on your smartphone! Vasya took out a flash drive of his own, bought for 200 rubles, BePush GoPro, inserted it into a simple smartphone and tried to do something in the easiest editor – he put the music, cut something. it's volunteered to help install at a more adult level. However, soon the guy resumed his plans, and Vasya had no choice but to blow the dust from the computer that had seen the genre, roll up his sleeves, download Moveavi and master it. the program independently. I knew no one would do the installation, so he took the computer for repairs, where he was somehow resurrected, and learned how to edit the video himself. I know Sony Vegas is cooler, but I still have enough. Yes, and the computer is not trivial. And even recently, I learned to work with chromakey!

There were some graters with the group, a fashionable car Christmas tree, creating your own chain and other blogger disturbances. And soon it was necessary to face the problem of the protection of the author's right. In June, the day of the city, a military group played Smorgon. Played "Medusa" Matrang, under which the young hipster was dancing fervently. Vasya took a 30-second video on the phone, which only saw VK less than 140,000 views, and Instagram watched it 100,000 times a day. The video went through baynet, it was uploaded to their accounts several major media. One of them asked Vasilissa to clarify the paternity, but they ignored it, to say the least. "Ah, I thought, damn it," – the blogger smiles

"For life, Smorgon is definitely better than Minsk"

One day Vasily was called by the director of the company. badembly plant. It was scary to go there. Suddenly nasnimal why not? But no, on the contrary, they say, it has become funny. At the factory, they whisper that even in Minsk, the most important director of MTW was watching the tractor's biathlon and wondering how funny it was to take off for the young man.

Vasya came to see a local MP and asked him several questions. He asked, for example, about the wrong road to Koreni (an almost autonomous microdistrict at Smorgon). The next day, the pits began to repair themselves. I asked for a small parking at the clinic. A month later, he was extended. He asked why there were not enough good playgrounds in the same Koreni. Recently put a new one. A coincidence? Vasya is sure yes.

"A Kramospan Kronospan is under construction, Kronospan is under construction and Kronospan is under construction.This is frightening."

Today, he lives in an inn with his wife-decree Julia and two lovely children. They are preparing to move into their apartment, but we have to finish the repair, which is not always enough money and time.

– Vasya, do you like to work as a welder? Have you thought of turning a hobby into work and moving to Minsk? You do not have anything for your blogs.

– How not to have it? I like doing it! And on the welder … Well, I have a stable job, where I earn stable money that allows me to support the family.

– And if they offered $ 1500 to Minsk – would you go there? 19659007] – Ten years ago, without hesitation, would answer "yes". But now I'm 30, I have to pay a loan for an apartment, there is a family, and it's hard to take and change everything. And who will offer me this money? I really look at things and see that I still need to improve and improve. In any case, for life, Smorgon is definitely better than Minsk

– I like it here

– I was born here! There are excellent people here, everything is different. Enough, of course, and problems, I'm not blind. This production is growing, which scares me. I do not want to be forgotten people in pursuit of the ruble. Alas, Smarhoń becomes the suburb of Ostrovets [buildstheBelarusiannuclearacentral(Onlinerby) – there are built cinemas, hospitals, they think of recreation. We even have nowhere to go with the family for the day, popcorn chew and watch the cartoon. But Kronospan is under construction, Kronospan is under construction and Kronospan is under construction. It's scary.

Yulia's wife laughs. She says she supports her husband, but only 40%. He regrets that he spends his life potential, that he comes back from work and can sit two nights, but he gives no feedback

– Sometimes I think it would be worth better walking together in a park, going to the cafe and sitting in front of a computer. A man is obsessed, he spends a lot of energy on video, that he could send to the family.

Asked what he lacks for the happiness of a complete blogger, Vasya waved his hand. Comp, however, tupit trying to see the edited video, but it'll do. An old GoPro is usually cool – small, practical, with fisheye. Maybe over time it will buy only one mic and collect it for a stabilizer – doroguschie, infections!

– You see, I do not want to do anything. Of course, sometimes I see that the film can already be downloaded and nobody will say anything. But I am very difficult for myself and when I see that something is missing, raisins, I will start again and I do it myself

– Vasya, well, you do not It's not particularly you want, it takes a lot of time – the family is not enough. Yet why all this?

– How many people watch my videos? Thousand, if you compile views of all channels? Maybe at least one person in this thousand thinks that even in a small town to start doing something you love, something of your own – it's not scary. So, you look, and we will make the capital of Smorgon's blogger Vasya, the welder of the third workshop and the video blogger, who considers his city as one of the best on earth

GoPro for bloggers and not only in the catalog Onliner.by 19659024] See also:

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