"I opened a business, she was not a party – I was able to repay only one-third of the costs." Young entrepreneurs talk about their failures


In their stories, successful entrepreneurs often go overboard their own failures and, from the outside, it seems that they have succeeded several times. But if you dig deeper, it turns out that not everything is quite correct and that every business man has a history of failure. Onliner.by and Alfa-Bank launch a series of publications on small businesses without pink glbades. In the first issue, three entrepreneurs related their failures

"My main mistake is that I did not calculate when I will pay"

Igor is 31 years old. During this time, he has tried many activities – from mechanics mechanical badembly to the head of a large company. In 2014, Igor decided to start his own business. I have accumulated the right amount for the departure and I decided to fulfill my old dream – to open a car enamel selection company (similar to that of his father).

– For three months I thought of the name. I wanted something laconic and related to colors. As a result, they called themselves "Farbos", – recalls Igor. – At the same time they were looking for a room, two months later they found it: it was small, 40 "square", without any repairs – in general, nobody, killed. I did a super repair to accept customers, create a website (quite expensive: $ 1000 for a page), paid the logo, fonts, then bought a high quality German painting, hired an administrator . In fact, I did a good project of packing. None of the competitors at that time was not there.

People huddled in dark rooms and I had a room in which I could open the office of a large company. When the vendors came to us for the first time, they said "wow".

Igor is one of the few in the country to have even purchased a special device that helps select automatic enamel. It cost several thousand euros. "Farbos" opened in March 2014.

– From the opening day until the sale, we did not have a single day without income, Igor explains. – We worked six days a week, and every day we had clients and there was income. For five months we have reached the level of sales achieved by many competitors in a year or two. The prices were higher than those of the competitors, while people came to my home for the service. The beliefs of my knowledge that people only go for a low price, so it is necessary to get rid, have proved to be a myth.

Igor worked simultaneously to hire, but after a few months realized that the company was taking a lot more energy than expected. to help a friend.

– Now I understand that I made a lot of mistakes. I did not understand the whole picture, I just started acting randomly, he said. – I did not talk to people who cooked in it, I did not calculate when I had to pay and how many orders I had to make a day, what would be the cost price of the painting and how much I could to win. That is, I've made the typical mistakes of a young businessman.

Moreover, I did not calculate how many clients I could serve per day. 40-50 people planned, but once 10 customers came to us, and we drowned. Only after a while after opening, I realized that the painting is selected about an hour. As a result, the day we could fill 8-10 orders.

In addition, I did not take into account the fact that scaling up such a project will be long and very expensive. I also tried to combine the main work with the company, and it was very difficult. Advantages of this situation – I learned to delegate authority. I realized that the most important thing was to trust the employees.

Finally, Igor realized that he could not continue well and decided to sell his business. The buyer was found fairly quickly – a week, but at the sale of a businessman lost a fair amount of money (enough for a half-apartment). I realized that I could spend half the time to throw it and get the same amount, he explains.

Minsker continued to work as a leader of a large computer company, but the thoughts of their work did not give peace. With a friend, they decided to launch an online store for the sale of electronic devices. He took into account his mistakes and initially did not make the perfect product.

– We spent a little over $ 1000 on the online store, but we had a mistake. We tried to spray: we wanted to sell everything – from microwaves to car tires, – explains the entrepreneur. – Soon we realized that each of the directions was complicated, and decided to focus on car tires because they gave a good income from a sale, and then added batteries. They thought that if you make 10 sales a day, you can earn $ 100-200 a day every day.

– It was ok, we called people, they wanted to buy. Unfortunately, we were faced with the fact that suppliers did not want to grow, Igor said. – For example, in the morning we took their price and brought them to the site. During the day, customers call, we say that there are wheels, call the suppliers, and they are already complete. As a result, instead of 10 sales, we closed 2-3. It turned out that they were spending 20 rubles on advertising and were earning 25. The problem was that there was no online database to be able to quickly update them. prices, and the suppliers did not want to invest. I realized that we would not win much on the online store.

Igor ended up closing this case, but he did not lower his hand. He says chess has only made it go further. Recently, with their wife, they organized a project on the selection of guardians

– We have created a website where students submit applications, and we find teachers for them. If they are appropriate to each other, guardians pay an amount equal to the cost of two clbades, Igor explains. – I approached this case already fully armed. The past unfortunate experience, of course, has helped a lot. I realized that this sphere interested me and that I wanted to continue to develop it.

"An expensive advertisement consumed up to a third of my income"

Artem is 26, specializing in electrical engineering. Four years ago, a guy opened an IP to repair baths.

– At that time, I had already served in the army, and a friend advised me to take care of the restoration of the baths. All a popular service, – explains Artem. – My friend himself is engaged in this business, only in Gomel. His business was fine, and he agreed to learn, but only if he did not go to Gomel, but only to Minsk. I learned everything from him and started it.

The guy was working alone, and the first thing a young businessman faced was a strong competition. It turned out that it was not easy to start a business in Minsk.

– There are some monopolists who are doing well, it is impossible to take quality, because they are excellent, he explains. – I had to cooperate with them. The orders that they had not had time to cast, when they did not have time to do anything, were abandoned to me.

The second moment is an expensive advertisement. She ate up to a third of the earnings of the young man

– I had very little initial capital – about 2500 rubles, so there was not enough money to the website, explains the type. – It's impossible without commercials, so I used the outdoors (that's posting ads near the entrances). It was very expensive: to pay back the costs, a month I had to do at least 20 orders, and only then you already work for profit.

In a month with a daily load without rest days, I could make up to 60 orders. Since I tried to do my job qualitatively, it took three or four hours for an order, so I could not take more one day physically.

Because Artem did not have any online advertising, its clients were mostly the elderly. According to the entrepreneur, these people do not have as high a credit rating as young people, and they are more capricious.

– It was really hard to work with them, especially against unscrupulous competitors, says the guy. – Due to the fact that they badly repaired the baths, using cheap materials, in six months the new flooring fell, and the guests had a detriment against the restaurateurs. Collision with people being suspicious and waiting for something dirty.

Artyom, working as a restorer of bathtubs, realized that this work was very harmful to health: it takes a long time to breathe the dust

it must be cleaned, and at one o'clock we breathe the dust, the type remembers.

At the same time, the profits were only enough to keep the pants – about the same as the worker in the factory. And the website did not work

The last drop was the case when a guy lost a phone with SIM cards whose numbers were shown in advertisements.

– I was very sorry to have lost the phone. I went home and decided that it would be enough, I can not do that anymore, I do not have fun, I'm not particularly happy, says Artem.

After closing his high-end furniture and forged products restoration business, have found partners and have been working in this field for three years. In addition, it helps sell to the Turkish premium brand.

– That's what I really want to do. Now I get a lot of pleasure from my job, he believes. – When I badyze my experience with restoration, I understand that the main thing I did not go out is that this sphere was not mine. I have badyzed my experience with bathroom restoration, I have taken into account my mistakes.

For beginners, I would advise you to prepare an internet platform in advance or register on services like "Onliner". Services "(in my time there was none) .The initial capital is important.I think now you need about 2-3 thousand rubles to buy a good tool, quality materials (it is better to look for returns on good suppliers) and advertising.In addition, you need your car, without it.Prepare yourself to the fact that you have to work hard and invest all your soul in business, otherwise it will not work.

"Customers wanted $ 100 for the same thing that cost 60 times more in Russia"

Valeria 21. By the education she is a lawyer, and in the l '. spirit – an entrepreneur with a diaper Earned the girl always tried: on vacation working at the post office, selling kvbad and so on, and all the money was postponed. Business was at school, said the first fakap arrived with f newspapers itness, that she invented with her friend. Valeria was then 16 years old.

– We went to train in the lobby, and there was a need to keep a diary of nutrition, calorie counting and everything related to it. My friend and I were leading all this into a notebook, and then we came to the idea of ​​creating a special journal where everything would be clearly exposed. They thought that all the people who play sports, this diary will be interesting.

The girls immediately went to work. The structure was thought, Valeria's friend made a beautiful newspaper design. At the time, in the piggy bank, the schoolgirls had $ 500. All their savings that they spent in newspapers

– 50 women, 50 men and 50 standard agendas were published, – remembers Valeria. – Well, nobody bought it, because it was not interesting to anyone. When we started asking people "Why do not you buy our newspapers?", They replied that they have smartphones and that they do not need useless paper . In addition, as the investigation showed, the newspaper proved uncomfortable.

Eventually, the group flew in the pipe because the paper was dated a year ago. As a result, no one needs it. It was a first big failure, all the money was burned.

Valeriya says that after the failure of the newspaper, she made a promise: all projects start with the badysis of the public

– Now we have a club of race: at various competitions with the coach. So, before the opening of this club, I wrote to more than two hundred runners from Minsk and I asked a lot of questions: why do they choose to run, what do they need why do they give up training, etc.? Also after these newspapers, I realized that my idea may not be what the market wants. It has proven important to push your ego and listen to the criticism, even rude, that can be, that even touches somewhere. All the most practical advice, as practice has shown later, comes through criticism.

Here it was important to separate the essence of emotions and introduce it into your product. After communicating with people, you understand before investing money what kind of product you will have.

After the newspapers, Valeria decided that she would not engage in the commodities sector, but that she would grow into the service sector. in business, there was not one of the parents I could ask for advice, she said. – Therefore, I did not understand, the standard is or is not the norm that I have exhausted. What does it mean: that I should not go into this or that I have to do it again 10 times in the same way? In general, as I understand it now, it was important to have a mentor who would encourage and support

When Valeria was 18 and she was studying at the College of Business and Law, the girl decided to to engage in social networks. They still started the business with a friend. Valeria was looking for orders, and her friend was engaged in a visual part

– It was a service, thank God, there was nothing in the warehouse, as in the case of newspapers – remembers the girl – I was looking for customers, my friend was taking photos. But after working a year, we were again disappointed, because the market did not want to invest in it, was not ready for it. After all, it is not the services when you have invested and the customer has come to you immediately. This promotion: about two or three months, you have to make a picture, and only then there are some first sales.

To make good content, you have to spend money on it, it's worth it. People wanted for 300 rubles Instagram account, like Gucci. Well, that does not happen.

For example, one of the well-known SMM agencies in Russia says that the cost of their work starts from $ 6,000. And it's not their profit: somewhere around $ 5,000 invest in the product itself – in filming, mock-ups, packaging, promotion. And our customers wanted for $ 100 the same thing that in Russia costs 60 times more expensive.

The second moment that Valeria faced was ageism. She says she did not want to be taken seriously for a long time because of her age.

– When you are very young, you have to apply 10 times more effort to prove your skills, thinks the girl. – When I said at the time that I was 18 years old, people remembered what they were doing at that age, and they thought that I was going to do it. was the same. It is very difficult to prove that you are different and that you have valid ideas.

As a result, the company had to be abandoned, in some respects, out of the situation where the girls were not found. After college Valeria entered the university, graduated as a lawyer. All the while, she worked at the business school (she was offered to become a managing partner). Recently, the girl resumed her business – she opened a running club and began organizing tours to participate in a half marathon around the world.

– The idea came spontaneously after the appearance of the racing club. We realized that running aimlessly is not interesting. They started to take part in the Belarusian half-marathons, then they thought: why not take people to compete in the world? says the girl. – I was very helped by past experience, from which I drew conclusions: badysis of the public and the market, adequate perception of criticism, presence of experienced people (not necessarily familiar, I just hit Facebook) of the 50 people, three m's again answered). It is always important for me to see examples of success, it makes me pay.


Anti-crisis manager: "The absence of a business plan is an established practice"

– Unfortunately, 90% there is no business plan, – says anti-crisis director Sergei Pinchuk. – And that is why. Where, as a rule, do entrepreneurs take money? The first option – long, tedious, time-consuming work to win and postpone to start any business with a low entry threshold, put the $ 10-year-old 5-10-20 backlog and turn around. The second option – ask relatives or friends. The third option is asked at the bank

These are three different models of behavior. If you have earned every cent, you will count 150 times if you invest properly, if there is a return. Because for every penny, your sweat, your sleepless nights, your gastritis, which reminds each bill that you invest in business.

If you take money from friends, acquaintances or relatives, then the main goal is to convince. You are burning, you are persuading. For you, a business plan is not the main thing. Глаза горят, и ты говоришь друзьям или знакомым "Это тема, поймите, это тема, все это потом, сейчас все попрет!" Когда такому человеку предлагают показать циферки на бумаге, оказывается, что и темы-то нет. Но ему важен вклад в веренность и веру в него ("Только подельный пацан, ты же не подводил"). Вот у меня была история, когда девушка вложила 50 тыс. рублей в сеть магазинов брендовой одежды для детей, так как ее молодой человек с компаньоном убедили ее в етом. Do you have any questions about this product? Ответ был таков: "Понимаешь, тут не получилось как-то, оно само не пошло". Нетья модель – вете на не не не не не не не не не не не не не не не не не не не посчитали.

Третья модель – взять деньги у банка. Банк здесь ведет себя более осторожно, он дает кредит под залог недвижимости или автомобиля. Да, он требует бизнес-план, но при этом все равно все риски провала бизнеса – это твои риски. Это ответственность предпринимателя – вот что нужно понимать.

В целом, конечно, у бизнеса миллион и одна вариация различных ошибок – от неточности в накладной до неправильного выбора персонала. . И каждая из них может быть фатальной

Глава бизнес-союза Жанна Тарасевич "Проблема лжепредпринимательских структур висит дамокловым мечом практически над каждым бизнесом"

Одной из острейших проблем, решения которой пытаются добиться предприниматели, по-прежнему остается правоприменительная практика указа №488 «О некоторых мерах по предупреждению незаконной минимизации сумм налоговых обязательств». Об этом предприниматели говорят не первый год. Мы неоднократно описывали случаи, когда фирмы работали с контрагентами, а через лет пять или десять те попадали в список лжепредпринимательских структур. . Сделки с ними признавались недействительными со всеми вытекающими последствиями для добросовестных предпринимателей

Как добросовестный покупатель вы можете не согласиться с тем, что сделку признали недействительной – говорит глава бизнес-союза предпринимателей и нанимателей имени Кунявского Жанна Тарасевич. – Тогда к вам придут контролирующие органы, перепроверят работу фирмы, будут опрашивать всех причастных, к примеру, водителей, бухгалтеров и так далее о том, привозили ли товар, когда, в какое время … Понятное дело, что вспомнить такую давнишнюю сделку непросто, прошли уже десятки других договоров, поставок и так далее. . И доказать проверяющим обратное будет очень и очень сложно

Выход, который предлагают контролирующие органы, прост: заплатить еще раз НДС (20%) и налог на прибыль (18%). Такие изменения в Указ №488 внесли in 2016 году. По данным на прошлый год, в реестре неблагонадежных находится больше 7500 субъектов хозяйствования. Львиная доля из них попала туда только по тому факту, что находилась не по указанному юридическому адресу.

С сентября прошлого года бизнес-союз имени Кунявского пытается добиться изменений в действующий указ. В Совете по рабочая предпринимательства . Уже подготовлен проект изменений в указ, и сейчас предложения рабочей группы рассматривают заинтересованные министерства и ведомства

Проблема эта остра, потому что она висит дамокловым мечом над каждым субъектом хозяйствования. Она все еще существенна, – добавляет Жанна Тарасевич. – Пока нет точного срока, которому будут приняты изменения в указ №488. Эта проблема только идентифицирована, и над ней работает рабочая группа.

Малый бизнес может легко подкосить даже один контракт с неблагонадежным партнером. "Альфа-Банк" предлагает своим клиентам проверять всю информацию о потенциальном поставщике или подрядчике in "Альфа-Картотеке". Тут можно узнать, действующий у партнера бизнес или нет, попал ли он в реестр лжепредпринимателей, его финансовое состояние, историю компании, в том числе данные о судах, долгах, тендерах и госзаказах, имеющихся сертификатах и ​​декларациях и даже вакансиях.

Партнерский спецпроект. ООО «Бренд-Мэйд», УНН 190638310

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