"I sank into silence." Resident of Gomel rescued 11-year-old student, his children noticed him in time


The emergency on the lake in the Novotel Gomel district of Novobelitsk was produced Sunday around 15:00. The family on the beach noticed a boy running. The head of the family managed to get him out of the water. The newspaper Gomelskiye Vedomosti was informed by specialists of the regional organization of OSVOD. We spoke with Alexander Moiseyev, who saved the schoolboy.

This lake is in the new micro district of Gomel and is very popular with local residents. Alexander says that on Sunday there were many children, they came to the companies.

– My wife and I came for a sunbath, – says Gomel. – She heard the girls screaming: "The boy is drowning!", M? Uninhibited. At first, I thought the kids were joking like that. I look – about ten meters from the shore on the water, then hands will appear, then head. I jumped into the lake, swam, did not think that not to lose sight of it – and lost two meters, he went to the bottom. If I understand correctly, in this place the pit and the key are beating, the water is icy. I immediately dipped, I found my head, but I could not catch it, it slipped. Once again The depth is decent, with my growth rather high, I had to row until I found it. He grabbed her by the shoulder, brought him to the surface … With one hand he rowed, the other held him under the arm and they reached the shore [19659002] Artificial respiration should not be done, but it was shocking, what's going on? He shook it (like me), he looked at a point. Then he left, he became an orange, a chocolate, even smiled. We treated the girls, who noticed all this in time, made noise. If it was not for them … He drowned silently, he made no sound. Yes, I had myself scared.

Then the boy explained, because of what he was beginning to drown: he gathered both feet at once. He began to hang on to a friend who was swimming nearby, he managed to escape, swam up to the shore.

Convinced that the rescued was found, Alexander told a friend to take him home.

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