"If I had to rent a house, I would have had only room." Belarusian scientists talk about the lives of non-programmers


About our scientists speak only by mentioning the magic letters IT. Onliner.by decided to find out there is life outside the world of programmers, and spoke with a chemist and historian about salaries, international cooperation and work for the idea. Tatyana Dolgach and Dmitry Semenov tell how it is possible to elevate national science.

"We can make money, but they will not be easy"

Tatyana works as a junior researcher at the Institute of History. Here, she entered graduate school after the end of the BSPU faculty. Choose the Academy of Sciences, because the people who own its theme, there is more. Said the study is related to Belarus, namely – with the local government in the nineteenth century. This is not just the story that is needed: an badysis of past mistakes helps to avoid them today.

When a girl was in graduate school, her increased scholarship was more than a salary. Therefore, the problem of finances has to be solved by subordination – most often scientists teach at the university, some one leads excursions.

We can make money, but we will not give them that. It is possible to develop and within the limits of an Institute, here everything depends on the activity of a person. I also have a part time job and I work at the Institute for the Soul.

There is no need to complain about state support: a lot of money stands out for young scientists. Subsidies provide a good material basis for scientific development. Just do it: if you are sure the subject is important for the state, a dialogue will appear. The only problem is that it takes a lot of time to collect the documents "I did it – I will do it". The rest of the bureaucratic procedures are simple. Tatyana says that historians are important to the state: their work is the basis of ideology

I do not know how historians, whose studies are in conflict with the ideological agenda , feel. My subject is about socio-economic direction. It does not hurt the "religious feelings" of anyone. We try to do our job as qualitatively as possible. What happens next is no longer on our conscience.

Abroad, the history of Belarus is of particular interest to countries of the near abroad – a collective discussion is needed to study the Commonwealth or World period. GDL. Then there are unpleasant situations. At the Summer University Young Scientists of St. Petersburg, the revolution of 1917 was discussed, the representatives of Lithuania showed a map on which there was no Belarussian territory in 1919.

Just the border between the RSFSR and Lithuania. It is clear that after the revolution, the formation of many states took place. We will leave BNR – BSSR was the same. We asked a question – they did not answer us. I do not know why it happened. There are times in our shared history with Poland, with Lithuania and with Russia, which can be challenged. It's normal, and the truth is born. But doing it for conflict is not an option. Intelligent people always agree

Such international discussions take place not only abroad: we have enough lectures. But many go to internships in other cities, for example in Warsaw and Vilnius. Often to work in the archives. The journey counts a lot: the documents are scattered in different countries, and when the road is not paid, it's even harder to do. "When you are pbadionate about your work, it's not a pity for her", [Tatiana nous dit.] . However, the funds are allocated for business trips to Belarus.

Tatyana believes that young people should not give up science, but think about how they will earn money:

If I had to rent a house, I would not like it. only had room. Probably, only that would be enough, – the girl smiles and continues: – When I studied, thought, worked and went to a more profitable place. And now I understand: all my exercises are secondary compared to what I do at the Institute. Or maybe it's now that I'm so inspired. Nevertheless, until here I like everything.

Tatyana says that the essential is to meet the demands of a professional, so nothing will interfere with your career. According to her, a cool historian is one who listens to other specialists and takes their experience into account. And he also evaluates the phenomena from the point of view of their influence on Belarus

I understand that crises occur in any profession. This will happen one day in my work, – Tatiana shares. – But now I only see myself in history. And I like it.

"We must go not where there is more pay, but where there is satisfaction of the process"

We meet Dmitry at Nemiga. While we are looking for a place to talk, he says how much he likes work. During the conversation several times, he repeats the same idea, adding: "I really want to say about it". It becomes clear: The story of a 27-year-old Minsk chemist is an illustration of how the love of the profession has turned out to be above the Money when the profitable work and the desire to conduct experiments choose the latter. Even if you must share an apartment with relatives

It seems to me that something can be sacrificed to do one's own business, says Dmitry. – Especially the weather. All this is compensated: you will improve. I get pleasure from work not money. Dmitry says that he chose the workplace when he graduated from BSU's Faculty of Chemistry

I was taken to the Borovlyany Anti-Doping Lab. If I went … – for a moment thinks and continues: – They needed people for routine work. And I wanted to develop myself

So I thought of two options: stay at the faculty or go to the Academy of Sciences, where, according to him, the level of research is higher. For this reason, I chose the latter. So began working at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry.

One of the main tasks of the laboratory, in which the chemist works, is the development of kits for the definition of antibiotics. In simple terms, it's a method that helps to find dangerous components in foods. The process pays off: It is important for manufacturers to check the conformity of their products, and this often depends on their arrival on the market. Thus, the laboratory can make a living – the implementation of developments largely determines its finances. Dmitry says, that's not all:

The money depends on the state's interest in research. I know a lot of those who live on 300-400 rubles. I get an average of $ 400 Now, of course, I feel better than when I went to the bench. So I thought, but I need it at all.

Integrated sciences – chemistry with biology – consider the most promising fields in Belarus. Naturally, after computer development. He could also become a programmer, but, in his opinion, it is much more interesting to experiment on a table than to sit in front of a computer. An important branch of chemistry is the medical sphere, but it has never been attracted to it – in Belarus it is a thankless job, and it is more quiet to work with inanimate objects than 39 with people: they get tired

. The requirements are colossal. To prove that you are not a nurse, you have to do a lot.

Dmitry says the development of chemistry we have. At least in his Institute exactly: the technique, without which it is impossible to carry out experiments, is updated, it becomes much easier to work. The only thing that stresses – the bureaucracy takes a lot of time and nerves. But with all the benefits of moving to a private lab, Dmitry thinks:

I do not like everything of the same type, I always want something new. Here I was in America on the Work & Travel program. So, after a while, you have to change your workplace. If you stay still, it means you are degrading.

America places Dmitry first at the level of education, calls the European countries. I am sure: Belarusian studies are not inferior to world studies. Or, at least, they are very close to them. Only he himself would like to receive international experience – more opportunities abroad, as well as money.

Many of our works are published in foreign journals. According to the statistics, it is clear that we are going ahead. That it is not fast. We have smart people, it shows in international conferences. There are such developments in Belarus, which are not yet abroad. We are interested in that. But an international experience is necessary: ​​at home, you will spend precious time inventing a bike. And why?

Dmitry does not think to move forever: he's not sure he'll ever become his in another country. He said the main thing is to gain experience, and then you can return to Belarus

I think we need to start somewhere, first, with us- same. If people think that everything is bad, it is unlikely that anything will change. We have a lot of pharmaceutical companies. They can make money by doing their own thing. Only it is not necessary to be obsessed with finances.

says that after the university could work as a sales manager. He was not interested in this, and qualified chemists and biologists abroad are no longer needed. Only these international exchanges do not always have money.

There are not many opportunities, but they are. In life, there is no way to prepare yourself. You must fight for something yourself. And sometimes and the request.

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