Ilon Mask refused to develop weapons with artificial intelligence


DeepMind co-founder Ilon Mask, as well as more than 160 companies and more than 2,400 people have signed an obligation not to participate in the development of self-sustaining artificial intelligence military systems. According to the members of the badociation, the emergence of weapons capable of independently determining goals and engaging them in the battle will lead to ethical, moral and other problems.

The experts are convinced that politicians are obliged to take strict measures for the development and creation of combat systems. under the control of the IA. A weapon capable of deciding regardless of the murder of a person is no less dangerous than a biological or chemical weapon, they believe. It should be noted that in several countries (including the United States and China), the development of intelligent autonomous weapons is unlimited.

A few years ago, a study showed that there were at least 284 military systems in the world capable of catching fire. Their capabilities are limited, but they are still platforms that not only serve to help a person on the battlefield, but act to some extent independently. Future wars, according to the US military, will have to be conducted by robots.

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