"I'm mating, I show my bare asses." Blogger Andrey Martynenko has arrived to fans of Minsk


Today, in Minsk, there was a meeting of Ukrainian blogger YouTube Andrey Martynenko with fans. His videos collect hundreds of thousands of views (previously there were even more), although the reason for this popularity is, to be honest, complicated. The blogger removes all kinds of stupid things and something like tests – for example, eats insects. As you can understand by the number of subscribers – nearly 1.8 million – many like it. We discovered the secret of success

Everything slipped

– Describe your chain in three words for people who do not know you at all

– Matyuka, showing naked bades and .. I do not even know anything about it

– How do you explain your popularity?

– It's hard to stand out. It is necessary to do something that is not entirely good. In fact, I do not hurt anyone. Content – this is not very good. I can only hurt myself.

– For example?

– I can swear, I drink in the frame, I smoke. There are problems with the police. Something like that.

– Your main audience is youth. Do you feel responsible to them? They can copy the behavior even if you do not call it.

– Well, not really. I do not steal the bank … although no, stores sometimes arrive.

– Was it a staging?

– I went with a friend to the store, I decided to buy cigarettes – not for me. They quickly entered, they told us: "Show Documents". We have not been with us – we explain that adults, all in tattoos. They say that they are not going to sell. And the saleswoman herself went to smoke. We are: "Well, what to do?" I took chips, chew, my friend was with me …

– Wait, did you take the chips directly into the store? They took two packages [сигарет] and left. And, we still called the police: "Why do not we sell cigarettes?" The police said that now will come. But we did not wait, we left the store with cigarettes and fries, we sat down and we left. The saleswoman sat down, smoked and looked at us.

– The police had no questions for you then?

– I do not even know After that, the film met police officers. I was standing at the gas station near the car, the police approached and stopped near me. I think: "Well, all the khan to me." I go out the camera. And they: "Oh, hello, Andryukha, I saw this video three times where you stole cigarettes." Well, something like that.

– I agree that the success of a blog is a temporary phenomenon?

– Yes.

– How many years, months, are you still hijacking the popularity of your blog?

– I do not know, one way or the other, everything has slipped so much. You have to create something, get up. I do not know if I should give birth to children – what can I do to get up? Previously, videos had a million views. Everything I do – I sit down and choose my nose – and there will be a million. Now, at least where to pick one, and one million will not be.

Ukrainian bloggers turn fantasy production: someone has a pregnant woman and the next day does an abortion, then something else happens. Some of these topics earn 2-3 million views. But they are deceiving people, that's all. And I had a video where I had an accident and where I almost got myself killed, where my head was broken … I show real life, and no one esteems it [19659021] From the Heart

– Let's say your channel was headed by someone else. Would I watch such content?

– I do not know I have at one time filmed in a very sincere way, it's just from the heart. It would look like And for the moment I've been very restricted recently, I do not even know.

– From the heart – is it, for example?

– Which is impossible to play, somehow lie.

– You have videos where you try food from the trash, from the paving slab. At such moments, thought arose: "That's too much" ?

– Yes, there is no way or other. I've always had problems with the edge – when to stop. All the time went bankrupt. On the occasion of rubbish – that was really. Sometimes we were looking for something and did not film it on video

– was not he afraid of being able to get something?

– At that time, in a certain way, it was anyway. You understand: people look, they love, so why not? Although I had sores in my mouth after that, ulcers. I felt that I had finished badly. But now everything is normal.

– There is such a phenomenon among creative people: the public grows with them. In five years, do you want to turn more serious content for current viewers or for a new generation of fans?

– I think it's very difficult to adapt to the viewer. Suddenly, I will enter the head of the musical writing or singing, otherwise I will fish or hunt, cultivate cabbage and tomato wake – if the public likes, then let them watch. The main thing is that I do what I like.

It's a pity I do not read books

– What do you read, look, do you listen?

– Let's start with the simplest literature. I have not read a single book in my life. I am very ashamed, but I can not find the time. Music – a music lover, I can under the mood and wild something. If for artists: Lil Peep, Ghostemane, Scriptonite – right now it's top-3. A film that recently loved is the "Truman Show".

– Do you look at other bloggers?

– Not particularly. Everything is a circus, a staging and a show. I see that the reaction to some kind of incident is not the same for a person, that this can not be the case if you shoot without staging.

– Do fans offer something like this? that I should offer something. Sometimes they treat me in a very strange way: they say, they say, if you have so many subscribers, then I have to separate my legs? And I did not mean much, I just want to argue with someone

If suddenly someone could not do photo with Andrei Martynenko, you'll still have the opportunity to do it at the Vidak festival on September 15th. In fact, there will also be many other celebrities on YouTube: Stas Davydov, Dima Yermuzevich, SnailKick, Pleasant Ildar and other bloggers.

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