IMF chief has called Trump's actions a threat to the global economy


International Monetary Fund director Christine Lagarde says defensive duties imposed by the United States may have a negative impact on the rate of growth of the world economy.

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<figcaption> Photo: TUT.BY </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Speaking at a meeting with finance ministers and central bankers of the G-20 countries in Buenos Aires, Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF , said that tariffs and duties According to the daily City AM </p>
<p> "the worst case scenario could lead to a 0.5% decline in global GDP," warned Ms. Lagarde </p>
<p>. set fees for all Chinese exports to the United States the United States. "I really like President C, but it's very unfair," said Trump, baduring that the fee increase was not due to a bad attitude toward China or to political considerations. but in the interest of the United States. </p>
<p> On June 1, Washington increased steel and aluminum supply rights for the EU. After that, Trump warned that it could increase rights on cars coming from Europe. "If the EU intends to continue to raise tariffs on US airlines too much, we are committed to importing their cars," writes the president in his Twitter end of June </p>
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