In Baranavichy, a woman gave birth to a child at the entrance of the bus station


In the evening of July 6, near the entrance of the Baranovichi Bus Station building, a woman gave birth to a child

Photo: vk .com / podslyshano_baranovichi

The incident occurred between 17:30 and 19:00. As eyewitnesses to the incident told TUT.BY, an average-aged woman came to the bus station with her 12-13 year old son. The delivery began at the entrance of the bus station building. People who were nearby rushed to his aid and called an ambulance.

According to TUT.BY, 13 minutes after the call, the doctors were already there. Two brigades arrived: pediatric and therapeutic. At that time, the woman had already given birth and the doctors had cut the umbilical cord.

"The doctors examined the woman and wiped her feet with wipes. Have done injections. The nurse gave life to the woman in childbirth "- TUT.BY was informed by a resident of Baranovichi Olga .

Mom and child were hospitalized. they are under the supervision of doctors According to TUT.BY, the girl born at the bus station is the third child of the family

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