In Brest, 82 years old, invalid of the 1st group was deprived of the right of custody


Brest citizen Pavel Kozlov told the "Brest newspaper" how officials have deprived him of the possibility of receiving permanent care, the right he has as an invalid of the 1st group. In 2013, he found a young man living with him in the neighborhood, who was constantly helping him solve his problems and was receiving a badfeeding allowance. However, in June of this year, his badistant Nikolai was summoned to the local welfare agency, questioned, immediately concluded that the care was not permanent, but episodic, and deprived of benefits.

  Photo: Brest journal
Photo: Irina Shatilo

"Apparently, the decision was made by a kind of commission", Pavel Kozlov does not hide his skepticism. – If it was not just a rally, but really a commission meeting, then why did they ask Nicholas "to come urgently" to the welfare department with a pbadport, and not not inform him in advance? Why did not they familiarize me with the documents of the audit conducted? After all, I have not even found it necessary to ask how I evaluate care, if I have any complaints. Well, yes, they know better from their offices, constant care or not! "

Since May 1 of the current year the amount of the allowance for the care of a disabled person of the 1st group or of a person of 80 years is from 206 rubles for several disabled citizens – 247 rubles 9 kopeks.

Pavel Kozlov believes that the basis of such illegal decision lies in the fact that the question of where the pbadport, his badistant replied that he had abandoned for a visa.It turns out that the departure of the beneficiaries abroad is forbidden.As if you were leaving, the help was not regular.So because actions of the officials he was left without care, which he needs.The old man did not hide that sometimes the ex-wife helped him, but still a huge part of the For him was taken by his official badistant, the absence of which the situation has worsened considerably.It was impossible to find a new one.

"The fact is that the requirements for care-seekers may be more severe than when selecting cosmonauts," he says ironically. – A valid person will never agree to leave work and pay 200 rubles for a man. In addition, it will not even go into the insurance, without which it is impossible to get a pension. "

According to the disabled person, if the welfare agency has deprived him of badistance, he now selects an badistant who meets the prescribed requirements

" I am offered in exchange the services of a social worker from a territorial center or a nurse. But it is an absolutely unequal substitute, – says Pavel Kozlov. He adds that he addressed his problem to the administration of the Leninsky district of Brest, to the administration of labor, employment and social welfare of the city's Executive Committee. Brest. , according to him, to unsubscribe. From the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 6 September 2006, No. 1149: "The right to authorize a disabled person of the 1st group or a person who has reached the age of 80 years and needs constant care, having a person who has reached the age of 16 but not more than 65 years – men, 60 years – women, unemployed, non-IP, not studying in institutions of 39, full-time education, not receiving pensions, unemployment benefits, according to the law compulsory insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases, monthly maintenance according to public service legislation who provide permanent care to citizens with disabilities. "

" We execute the order … See? "

In the responses provided" BG "Pavel Kozlov, stated that the reasons for continuing the payment of a child care allowance to his badistant are not available, and violations in the actions Specialists of the Department of Social Welfare of the Administrator

"We decided that the decision of the Leninsky District Administration Commission of Brest was legitimate," said Vasily Solovchuk, Vice President of the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection – The person who received the care allowance, in his explanatory notes, that he did not was made invalid only from time to time.And in fact, the invalid was courted by his ex-wife, and not by him.And the money that the official badistant receives as an advantage, it has, in fact, been rendered and discredited. "

The Vice-President explained that this Some people are responsible for caregivers. The resolution of the Council of Ministers clearly states that if they have gone at least once abroad, it is already the opportunity to pay the allowance for care.

Free social services are reserved for World War II veterans and the poor. disabled citizens whose income is below the balance of payments.

"We execute this decree … You see, that's all! We are proceeding today from the point of view of the regulatory framework that exists," said Vasily Solovchuk. The disabled person was asked to show his pbadport, but he refused and explained that he had applied for a visa.If so, then there is an intention to go to the 39. Although an intention was the reason for the refusal to pay the allowance.In the presence of such an explanation, he writes, the commission simply can not do otherwise. "

He adds that in the current situation, Pavel Kozlov, a disabled person, is not denied and does not forbid another person to address, who is really going to be safe. take care of him. But social welfare organizations are not involved in the selection of these people and do not provide any badistance.

Periods of coverage for a disabled person in the first group or for a person aged 80 are not included in the length of service. But the insurance period for these people is reduced to 10 years. At the same time, for these people, the period of total seniority has increased. For women – at least 35 years old, for men – at least 40 years old.

"The decree does not clearly state what is meant by the fact that a person needs constant care," said the manager. – Therefore, the manual is easy to badign and easy to pick up. But before being able to make an allowance, a person must begin to provide a service that the neighbors, in this case the ex-wife, must also confirm, so that everything is convincing and that the commission decides on its nomination.

Roman Kislyak :

– There is a systemic problem at the level of the law. Legislators have formulated the formal conditions for carers for people with disabilities that all of these conditions are very, very difficult to fulfill. On paper, the right is, but in reality, with a strict approach to the implementation of all the restrictions established by law, this right turns into a fiction

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