In Brest, they are inspected because of a demonstration in the court copies of the painting "Get rid of the skin of a corrupt judge"


Police conduct a check on the trial of the opponent to the construction of a battery factory by Dmitri Bekalyuk, posters with copies of a fragment of the image of the Dutch artist Gerard David "The Cambys Court" or "The torn skin of the corrupt judge". Roman Kislyak.

  Photo: Sergei Petrukhin
Posters with copies of the fragment of the photo were displayed after the July 6 trial. Photo: Sergei Petrukhin

According to the human rights activist, about 10 people were summoned to the police, seven of whom were already interrogated

"In the police, we ask questions about the nature of the image they have demonstrated and have expressed a protest.According to our data, two tests are in progress.One under the criminal law, under the article insult to Judge Roman Kislyak explains:

Recall that copies of the fragment of the "Kambis Court" were shown by people who came to the Leninsky District Court to support Dmitry Bekalyuk and Oleg Yermolenko. have collected signatures as part of the call for the resignation of the leaders of Brest, the region of Brest and the region.The painting, written in 1498, was historically intended for the audience room so to remind judges of their duty and impartiality. [196] 59005] The collection of signatures for the resignation of the Mountain, District and Regional Executive Officers began on April 16th. He was initiated by opponents to the construction of a battery factory near Brest.

The inhabitants of Brest, several neighboring villages and gardening badociations are concerned by the problem of construction. The main thing that excites people is the badessment of the impact on the environment. However, the pre-construction expertise has shown that "the negative impact of the proposed installation on the air, surface water and groundwater, the subsoil, the soil , animals and plants is negligible "and" the commissioning of natural-anthropogenic balance facilities. "

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