The Chinese manufacturer Hygon began production of x86 processors based on the AMD Zen microarchitecture. The project is being carried out under the Made in China 2025 initiative – the campaign aims to transform the country from the "global factory" category to "global technology leader". Dhyana processors should compete with the chips of AMD, Intel and VIA Technologies.
The agreement cost $ 293 million to the Chinese side, AMD will also receive royalties, the amount of which will be calculated from the number of Dhyana processors sold. It should be noted that the agreement was announced in 2016, when the US company was going through a difficult period and needed financial injections.
The joint venture company called Tianjin Haiguang Advanced Technology Investment Co. Ltd. (THATIC), which includes AMD.
It should be noted that AMD does not provide the Chinese part with the final design of the processors, but only a few technologies. The processors are oriented towards the local server market in China.
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