In Egypt, the death penalty was sentenced to 75 people, including the leaders of the "Muslim Brotherhood"


The Egyptian court sentenced to death 75 people for taking part in the unrest in the country following the withdrawal of Mohammed Mursi's power in 2013.

  Former Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi, photo: Reuters [19659003] Former Egyptian President Muhammad Mursi, photo: Reuters </figcaption>
<p>  Among those sentenced to death – the leaders of the "Muslim Brotherhood" party. A total of 700 people took part in this affair. </p>
<p>  The human rights organization Amnesty International called the trial unfair, noting that it violated the Egyptian Constitution </p>
<p>  Mohammed Mursi, closely badociated with the Islamist organization of the Muslim Brotherhood, power in the country for about a year. In 2013, he was overthrown during a coup d'etat military. Morsi's supporters protested vehemently: they organized protests of several days, set up tent camps in Cairo and, after their dispersion, made a "wrath of anger" throughout the country. </p>
<p>  In many cities across the country, bloody clashes have claimed more than 600 lives. "The Muslim Brotherhood" organized an armed attack on the police department – several dozen police officers were killed in the shootings with the militants. </p>
<p>  After that, the new Egyptian authorities under the leadership of the winner of the election of Abdul-Fattah Sisi will deploy That persecution against the Muslim Brotherhood: hundreds of members of this organization were killed, thousands have been arrested </p>
<h2>  What will the supreme mufti say? </h2>
<p>  The death sentence pronounced by the 75 defendants on Saturday, July 28 will be handed over to the Supreme Mufti of Egypt. on the jurisdiction of the death penalty. According to Egyptian laws, the opinion of the supreme mufti in such cases is necessarily required, but it has no binding force. In practice, the recommendations of the supreme mufti are almost always satisfied </p>
<p>  A week ago, the supreme mufti approved the death sentence of former president Mohammed Morsi </p>
<h2>  The series of convictions </h2>
<p>  During of the year, more than a thousand arrests were made, while the Egyptian authorities have not conducted due process and have not investigated the actions of the police forces who also took part in the clashes. </p>
<p>  The death sentences of 183 members of the Muslim Brotherhood in the case of the 2013 riots, but later a significant portion of the verdicts was abolished. However, several Islamists were executed. </p>
<p>  Ex-President Muhammad Mursi was also sentenced to death in a criminal case involving participation in mbad riots and prisoner escape organization in 2011, but the verdict was annulled by the court of cbadation. His life sentence in a criminal case against Morsi for espionage in favor of the Palestinian group Hamas was overturned. </p>
<p>  In April 2015, Morsi was sentenced to 20 years in prison for ordering arrest and since then his "Brotherhood" movement has been banned again, and thousands of its members arrested </p>
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