In Hawaii, a volcanic bomb struck a tourist boat, more than 20 people were injured


In Hawaii, when a volcanic bomb hit the Kilauea volcano, 23 people were injured in a sightseeing boat. Local authorities have reported on this, reports Reuters.

  Photo: Reuters "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 675 "data-x-src =" " data-x-width = "1200" data-y-height = "405" data-y-src = " 0a / 0 / izverzhenie_vulkana_kilauea_gavayi_rts1q9w4.jpg" data -y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "405" hspace = "0" src = " 0a / 0 / izverzhenie_vulkana_kilauea_gavayi_rts1q9w4. jpg "title =" Photo: Reuters "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  As stated in the message, a piece of rock escaped from the lava flow, which went through the roof of the boat and fell into the badpit. After that, the ship returned to the port of Nilo. At least 13 people, including a 20-year-old woman with a broken leg, were hospitalized, emergency services said. The rest of the victims received medical badistance at the scene. </p>
<p>  Local authorities noted that the owner of the boat is a company that organizes volcano tours. The ticket for this visit is $ 220 per person. During the trip, tourists can see from the ship how the lava flows into the sea. </p>
<p>  In May in Hawaii, Kilauea broke out. Local authorities have announced the evacuation of local residents of the islands. The lava flows then destroyed more than 30 houses </p>
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