In Lviv, a 22-year-old woman from Minsk was killed


On Monday, July 2, two Belarusians were poisoned with carbon monoxide in a rented apartment in the center of Lviv, according to the website of the Lviv City Council. On Facebook's hotline page, it appears that following a carbon monoxide poisoning, a 22-year-old girl was killed and a 21-year-old boy who was also in this apartment was injured. Both before lived in Minsk.

A girl born in 1996 died before the arrival of the doctors. As informs, tourists from Minsk rented an apartment for a few days to rest in Lvov. According to the publication, the girl wanted to take a bath, so she lit the gas column. Immediately, carbon monoxide went through the apartment

– There was a very long and high concentration of gas in the room where the young people were. He is in a state of psychological shock, he remembers everything that has happened, but he does not want to talk about it now says Irina Shabanova, head of the ICU's intensive care unit. Lviv Regional Hospital. received a message that in one of the apartments on Kleparivska Street in Lviv, a 22-year-old foreigner who arrived in Lviv for a tourist purpose is dead. The girl's body was found in the bathroom.

In the apartment, we discovered a friend of the deceased – a 21-year-old stranger with whom they traveled and rented an apartment together. With the diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning, the boy was hospitalized in one of Lviv hospitals

A group of investigation and operations worked on the premises. Damage to the girl's body was found. As doctors have already established, the death occurred as a result of carbon monoxide poisoning, informs the website of the Lviv National Police.

Criminal proceedings were opened on this point under Part 2 of Art. 270 (violation of fire safety requirements established by legislation) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for a sentence of imprisonment of from three to eight years. Named a number of exams, including forensics, during which the cause of the death of the girl will be established. A preliminary investigation is in progress

The injured is in intensive care in shock. The apartment where the tragedy occurred was sealed, employees of PJSC "Lvovgaz" blocked the supply of gas to the apartment.

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