In Minsk, a five-year-old boy fell from the seventh floor: his neighbors caught him


On the evening of July 9, a tragedy occurred almost in the street of Marshal Losik in Minsk. The child fell by the window, his neighbors saved him. This was narrated by an eyewitness Sergei in his Twitter .

  Photo: Twitter / @apollych
Photo: Twitter / @apollych for TUT.BY

A mother with two children went for a walk and a five year old boy stayed at home. Apparently, he also wanted to go for a walk. The child fell through the window but managed to grab the frame. In hanging the child noticed the tenants of the house, they immediately asked the neighbors of the first floor blanket – they grabbed the boy when he could not hang and released the frame.

"Caught in a carpet, the carpet broke.One of the took was a surgeon.He also rendered first aid," said Sergey.

The child is alive and hospitalized.

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