In Minsk, a pop-up restaurant was built, the day after tomorrow there will be no trace left. That was – it became


Yesterday in the gallery "Ў" they gathered a restaurant for a few days. Two long tables and an island kitchen for the chef of Latvia. It is almost impossible to get there. But here is a picture of dishes.

On the inside, the restaurant turned out of course: tables, chairs, utensils. A decor on the walls. From the wedding hall stands out only by the presence of a "scene" for the chef Sergei Shiporov with the equipment needed to cook something of Latvian cuisine.

– Latvian is the kitchen of the workers. People fished, grazed cattle. With them, they had a high calorie, nutritious and heavy meal. More smoky, sour, birch juice … Much remained relevant to the Soviet cuisine. Nowadays all this is easy: not so smoked, not so fat. More delicacy, – says Shiporov. In Riga, he is the chef of one of the best local restaurants – The Dome. – If you need a fish restaurant in Riga, it's for us. This is not cheap, but it costs honest money.

For customers who want to learn about the cuisine of Latvia, Sergei will present several dishes. For example, sweet and sour bread or balsamic – birch syrup with ants.

– At home, a businessman started cooking birch juice syrup. First, in one way or another, it "squeezes the water," then boils. All this in the forest. One day comes, and in the tank, the ants slipped into the syrup. The syrup has acquired an acid taste. Later, it turned out, it's a trend. I tried ice cream with ants in Malmö, says the cook .

– Have not you tried sweet and sour bread? – he is interested. – Whole grains, unleavened. No dessert, but with a lot of sugar. We will serve badped butter and fried hemp seeds. Latvian rapeseed oil cold pressing is also used. Olive oil is everywhere, and in Latvia the olives do not grow. But the oil is cool! I really like him, he has all kinds of notes

– Salaka is a Baltic thing that unites all segments of the population. Superfresh, crisp, with coconut chili sauce and mayabi mayonnaise. It seems that the ingredients are not local, but I need them to emphasize the quality of the fish, – says the chef

– There will also be smoked eel from Usmas Lake, where the pure water, the fish has no taste of algae. Beef rib with frosting in birch syrup, smoked salad and shallots, – Shiporov list

And for dessert – sea buckthorn cream with caramelized white chocolate and cidonia ice cream

Tables in the catalog [19659011] Our channel in Telegram.

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