In Mogilev, the court found the businessman guilty of fraud


The Lenin District Court in Mogilev on July 26 found the guilty businessman Gennady Matvienko in order to deceive the partners using complex systems.

Matviyenko was arrested in October 2017. According to the survey, in 2011-2014, he deceived the partners who trusted him; four facts of particularly important fraud are established. The victims of the case were four people who, on various occasions, did business with the accused or used the property that they had provided. Matvienko borrowed promissory notes from partners and after a while, despite payment or return of equipment, began to demand partners "debts". As the victims did not consider his requests lawful and refused to give money, the defendants appealed to the courts by providing specially preserved receipts. The courts were on his side. According to the court decision, two victims handed the defendant 34 thousand rubles. Another 84 billion rubles Matvienko did not have time to get the other two victims because of the opening of a criminal case. The court began to examine him in March 2018.

The prosecution asked Matvienko eight years in prison in a high security prison with confiscation of property. The defense of the accused asked him to justify. The accused himself did not admit his guilt, claiming that he was a victim of a "criminal group".

Judge Oksana Ratnikova declared Matvienko guilty of a large and particularly important fraud, of an attempted possession of property. The defendant was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment in a prison colony with confiscation of property. As the investigators said, the crime of which Matvienko was accused "is extremely complicated and confused because it is veiled by the legality of transactions, and it is first encountered in the Mogilev region."

Mogilyovka Elena Ivanova, who actively contributed to the disclosure of crimes. His step-son was one of the victims in Matvienko's case

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