In Orsha, road markings appeared in the form of notes and clubs. Draw books later and a snake


Unusual road signs are inflicted by the Orsha special vehicle factory opposed to the institutions of the social sphere.

The first to decorate the pavement of Lenin Street. Near School of the Arts No. 1, the movement is almost like a note that complements the treble clef. And in front of the rink, pucks and clubs are marked.

Road workers will also apply stencil musical attributes on the road near Art School No. 2. And asphalt along school buildings will decorate books. The symbol of medicine – a snake and a bowl – will designate health care facilities

The idea of ​​such a road design belongs to the director of special vehicle Orsha Andrian Gatalsky [19459005He"spied"onFrenchroaddecoratorsThenon-standardapproachwasalsoappreciatedbytheOrschans

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