In Russia, created a single Cossack army. Ataman will appoint Putin


Representatives of 11 Cossack troops registered from all over Russia approved the creation of the Society of Russians Cossacks. The meeting, attended by about 5,000 delegates, was held in the Moscow Cathedral, Christ the Savior.

The decision to create an organization was favorably received by the Cossacks with an exclamation of "love," reports TASS. The participants in the meeting unanimously voted for the creation of a unified company and also approved its charter and structure.

"By combining all Cossack military companies with registration offices, we will receive an army of fully Russian Cossacks of about 200,000 people," explained the head of the Federal Agency for Nationality Affairs. . Igor Barinov.

According to him, the new structure will fulfill various functions: preserving cultural and historical traditions, contributing to the improvement of the Cossacks' level of education in the patriotic education of the younger generation, strengthening the links with foreign badociations of Cossacks and guaranteeing the fulfillment of public service commitments.

The board of directors of the Russian-Cossack Society will include 43 people, said the chairman of the council of the military atamans Nikolay Doluda.

"The structure of the company includes a large circle, the council of atamans, the board of directors, the advisory bodies and the commission of control and audit. The chief will have a first deputy, four deputies, 13 departments and three badistants; the ministries will deal with the government, the media, veterans organizations, religious organizations, "he said.

The ataman will be appointed by decree of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, for a period of six years, reports TASS. Putin himself sent a telegram to the participants of the congress, saying that "Cossacks are not only reborn, but are becoming increasingly important, creative and constructive."

Cossacks to keep order

According to eyewitnesses, the Cossacks actively participated in the dispersion of the action of the opposition "It is not a king for us", which took place on May 5 from this year in central Moscow: they actually helped the police, kicked them and beat them with a bad. According to various estimates, 40 to 50 people in Cossack uniform attended the action.

The Moscow mayor's office said he had not appealed to the Cossacks to disperse the opposition rally. However, as it turned out later, the Moscow authorities have been paying contracts for four years to train Cossacks in the capital to control public order.

For example, Central Cossack Society, whose representatives were designated for the action "It is not the czar for us", has received contracts for 2016 covering a total of about 16 million rubles from the Moscow State Department of National Policy for 2016-2018.

Cossacks represent about 10% of the amount bought by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of Moscow: in total, since 2015, the authorities have devoted 125 million rubles.

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