In Russia, they decided to abandon the books on paper work


The Ministry of Labor introduced the bill to amend the Labor Code of Russia (regarding the creation and maintenance of information on the work of the employee in electronic form) . In February 2019.

As stated Lyubov Yeltsova, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia, at the meeting of the working group, the initiative badumes that the book of electronic work will be a database on work. citizen, which is formed by the transfer of information by the employer in electronic form to the Pension Fund of Russia.

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In Russia, they want to abandon the books on paper work and introduce electronic books instead. It is planned to introduce amendments to the State Duma in February 2019.

  Photo: Gleb Malofeev, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data- x-src = "https: //" data-x-width = "1200" data-y-height = "480" data-y-src = "https: // / 720x720s / n / obshchestvo / 00 / f / 9619_borisov_sluzhba_zanyatosti_20170405_mag_tutby_phsl.jpg" data-y-width = "720" data-zoom = "1" height = "480" hspace = " 0 "src =" https: // "title =" Photo: Gleb Malofeev, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> The picture is illustrative. Photo: Gleb Malofeev, TUT.BY </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Russia, Lyubov Yeltsova, said the electronic workbook would be a database on the professional activity of the citizen. Russia </p>
<p>  According to her, since 2020, all employers will have to transfer employee data to the Pension Fund online. At the present time, electronic and paper workbooks have the same legal force and remain the main documents confirming the work activity of the employee. </p>
<p>  In the long run, the system will become completely electronic. Until 2027, there will be a transition period: employers are required to maintain and keep books on manual labor. After January 1, 2027, the Ministry of Labor will release them from this responsibility. </p>
<p>  Recall that in Belarus, they want to abandon the books on paper work and introduce it back. The issue of moving to electronic documents, including those discussed in June at the Public Advisory Council under the Ministry of Labor. According to the government, the refusal of paper documents will help to minimize the costs of buying and storing employers, as well as employees – to protect themselves from unscrupulous employers who delay the publication of the work book in case of layoff [19659009]. Until 2027, there will be a transition period: employers are required to maintain and keep books on manual labor. After January 1, 2027, the Ministry of Labor will release them from this responsibility </p>
<p> More information on RBC: <br /></p>
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