In Russia, they will create a "silent" satellite


A new jamming plane capable of neutralizing military satellites is being created in Russia, reported RIA Novosti citing a source in the defense industry complex.

The aircraft should replace Il-22PP It. "" This machine will receive a fundamentally new on-board equipment, which will allow it to perform an electronic removal of all targets: ground, air, sea, disable enemy satellites that provide navigation and radio communication on the ground. "

  Il-22PP Photo: Kirill Naumenko,
Il-22PP Photo: Kirill Naumenko,

According to him, for today 39; hui an aircraft design project is ready, in the near future the corresponding experimental design work should begin.

"The new aircraft was named" Porubshchik-2 ", but rather in the l & # 39; Together, in the air and space forces, this machine will have a different name. Unequivocally, there will be a new glider – the possibility of creating such an aircraft on the basis of the Tu-214 or the Il-76 is being developed, "added the interlocutor of the # 39; agency. the total number of them will not be large, since there are only a dozen gliders such aircraft, and their production has already been discontinued. Such a number of jammers is not enough for the VKS

"Choppers" can independently detect the radio-electronic radiation of enemy air defense complexes, suppress them with powerful interference or distort the signals of their radars. The IL-22PP does not interfere with the operation of its own electronic systems

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