"In some places, the road to Bobruisk reminds me." A couple of families from Minsk made a trip to the United States to post a one-minute video every day


Vadim and Alesya Klyuchnik make videos. They are very, very basic guys. Carefully complete each order, then rework, then again and again, redo it. But at one point, perfectionists in the capital gathered around the United States and challenged themselves. On a minute video (the highest quality and operational) once a day. By all means. Belorussians skate in the United States, sleep in a minibus, develop their subscribers and generously share their emotions.

Utah, the Sea of ​​Minsk

In recent years, Vadim and Alesya have won a video on the drains. They had a long-standing idea to go anywhere in America. Then came another story (more spontaneous) about the minute video

Hello, it's Monday to start a new life, start losing weight, learn English, finally, all that you have wanted to do it for a long time!))) And we, this Monday, decided to challenge ourselves! . The essence of the idea is this: we do business and publish a video of each day of our trip, 42 days in a row. 1 day-1 minute. It's a crazy idea, considering that every day we have to travel a lot more miles! But we think it will be a cool experience and memories!) These videos can be viewed on the Vadim Key YouTube channel (link in the header of the profile). We will go out of the day all that is interesting and share with you! . We have never done this, and we really hope that everything will happen and we will not die in 1-2 videos! Therefore, we really need your support and your answer! ). #keyfamily #keytravel # 1day1minute #keytravel_usa #usaroadtrip #roadtrip # america #usa

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

– I was doing business and encountered a problem with the installation. It's been too long. It's just that my wife and I are perfectionists. Hit, until finally do not like it. Then they reworked it, and again and again, – says Vadim. – And now they have arranged for a challenge. A day ago. All the videos that we filmed in one day (several hours of information) are mounted the same day as quickly and as well as possible.

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

– We have a good friend in the United States who agreed to provide a car to travel. In addition, there was a valid visa. Tickets were found quickly. We drove them only two weeks before departure. For such a distance, yes – almost a spontaneous trip. From the moment "And come" until the moment "All!" They did not have much time.A week before departure, they decided to make a video.A day – a minute. a teaser on the Atlantic Ocean When they arrived, honestly, they still decided to start or not.But in the end, quickly launched a teaser and drove in. In other words, we leave the Air with a delay of two days

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

This is partly due to problems with the Internet. [19659008] – They are obvious.Here we speak in the Valley of Monuments, it is the desert of Utah.Internet is usually dead, says Ales.

Istanbul, cart

A the question of why spouses have an account for two:

– This year, ten years have pbaded since our marriage.In September will be. d, we created a general account in VKontakte. And then everything went well. Now, we probably only have a separate "cart".

And even then – Vadim's phone capitulated, so Telegram is now common.

Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik's Publication (1945v24) 13 February 2018 10:23 PST

– It turned out we never had any secrets for each other. Nobody out there "do not look in my phone", "do not climb into my bag". We always have everything in common. We started relationships as friends. And yes, people often ask why we have a common account. And honestly, we got lost, – tell the guys. "What should I say? .. Well, because we are together." We live together. We work together.

Previously, only Vadim was involved in the wastewater video. Alesya worked in interior design. But then she started helping her husband.

Vadim's phone is detached from all road bookkeeping. In general, the phone seems to work. But before the trip, he replaced the screen, but in America he decided to "blind" the excess of feelings. This is the drama.

– We do not really know what we are going to do in this trip. Tickets – $ 1000 for two round trip. It is from Minsk via Istanbul to New York. Fuel – less than a liter of dollar. We eat … America is very different. You can go to a place that kills you with its high cost. You will have to sell not only your kidney, but also the internal organs of distant relatives, the guy laughs. – At the same time, it's easy to draw a light version for the wallet. My friend is a trucker. Until the beginning of the road, some tips: where to stop, where to go to the shower, where to save

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

Wallmart supermarket parking, so that they save on housing. In a rough narrative, the day in America costs Vadim and Ales on average $ 50- $ 70

San Francisco, Forrest Gump

It all started with New York.

– We met a friend there. He lives 100 km from the city to the northeast. From there we moved to Niagara Falls. We finally want to San Francisco and come back. The plan must be respected within 42 days, – Vadim continues

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

Belarusians do not have a global philosophical message . They joke that Forrest Gump remembers: "I ran because I had to run in. I did not think about where it would take me."

– Naturally, I wanted to challenge myself. Will we be able to mount a high quality operational video that will go to both us and the public. 42 videos – every day on the roll without stopping. We have never done that. For our character, it's unusual. They are used to making orders very long and scrupulously. This is the first, – they list. – The second – I wanted to do the story. A film as happy for 42 minutes on our stay in America.

We counted on the support of relatives (friends and relatives) at most. But everything went much further. In this case, we shoot everything ourselves. No donations In many respects, due to the fact that they immediately decided to organize an economical trip. Look, the car has been given to us, gasoline is cheaper here than in Belarus. Fit a big van. I bought a mattress for $ 7, put it behind. Sometimes we sleep in the car, which becomes our home. Especially on the road there are no problems to stop somewhere and take a shower. Sometimes we rent motels or inns to feel a little more comfortable. But, in principle, the lifestyle is pretty.

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

Again: that's enough for your money. There is no Donatas. We do not publish anything. In general, it's a contribution to your future. Our portfolio needs international staff. America gives them entirely. Everything is cool.

Wyoming, the grandmother of the world

In the Instagram-joint account of Vadim and Alesi, you can find beautiful pictures of beautiful children. How do they survive parenting games in Forrest Gampa?

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

– Normal. In general, we almost always take children with us. Recently returned from a great trip. Fortunately, we have a world grandmother, Ekaterina Mikhailovna, who loves her grandchildren a lot and took them with pleasure in her absence. Children, of course, are bored. It's our longest break, says Alesya. – But in the future we plan to travel with the whole family.

Byelorussians were in the United States last year, then they only looked at big cities:

– They say that Moscow is not Russia. Minsk is not Belarus. The American province is completely different. There is a remote area like South Dakota or Wyoming. There is really nothing to do. You are going, abandoned farms, a lot of cars abandoned, broken. But at the same time, after having gone a little further, you will find all the infrastructure you need: refueling, shops, hotels.

The major cities in the way of life of their population are similar to Europeans. We usually leave at 6 o'clock in the morning to shoot, and around there are crowds of runners. It's to talk about stereotypes about big Americans. True, in the central part of the country, there are very few thin children. You understand the essence of the American problem of obesity. There is simply no normal food here. Everything is very sweet, just a bookmark of sugar

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

– We feel that the poorer the staff, the more they consume . It's easier for him to tax property. And now they consume all and grow. In other words, Chicago and Wyoming, of course, are different. And about the harmony of bodies and the dimension of life

But pretty much everywhere, people are more or less benevolent and ready to help. We have not experienced proverbial courtesy. Maybe it was. But if necessary, people came to the rescue.

For example, we were in New York. Americans have a clear idea of ​​personal space. But you can not say that they are indifferent to others. We stood and fotkali at the crossroads. A man pbaded by and stopped: "Guys, how are you? Maybe, what help? "Then it was not necessary, but then they started looking for the bank branch, an employee cycled in. In a jacket so full, in a shirt." Excuse me, where is the bank? " – "Sorry, guys, I do not know." He left, but five minutes later, he came back: "Guys, if it's necessary, I've found!" C & # 39; that is to say, it was not too lazy to return to a completely unknown tourist.Maybe too.But they still smile.Many consider the artificial smile, not sincere, as in the inside they hiding something but it's better than an open, sincere and natural harshness and hostility. Guys are sure.

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

Mbadachusetts, burger

Vadim leads, Alesya responds to the road all the time.You are constantly thinking about the Belor ussia, the homeland does not give up:

– When we say that we are from Belarus, we must often clarify. That it is such a wonderful country between Russia and Poland. The Americans are: "Ah, well, we understand." Recently, the man saw that we had a Mbadachusetts number: "Guys, what are you doing in Utah?" – "We are not from America, we are from Belarus". – "From Belarus? .. So what are you doing here" from Belarus "How did you get here?"

We crossed South Dakota and there the prairies started. There are very few buildings. Vadim told Ales that it looks like a road from Minsk to Bobruisk. Only longer and wider.

– The scale in general is incredible. America is huge. It probably affects everything. On what people think, what people do. In the end, they order a hamburger, so he does not fit in his mouth. And pretty much. But again: the country is incredibly different.

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

– English is not the best for us. In this situation, you understand how much it depends on the environment. Our journey teaches to be more polite and friendly. When people see your kindness, they are more localized – shares the couple's observations. He learns to be calmer and more tolerant towards people. Travel is necessary to make the homeland more loving and do it better, bringing home new journeys of knowledge and emotions. Well, apply them already at home. Overall, people have the same needs, the same interests. The trips are more creative, they are taught to work more. We are now generally living in New York. Because New York is a city of constant movement. They all run from morning to night.

When you return to Minsk, you feel inspiration, you want to achieve something new. It's great, it helps work, it makes me smile more, it's easier to communicate. We, Belarussians, like sincere guys – can sincerely embrace, we can send sincerely. But, as a rule, at the first meeting, they are not very well located

Kazakhstan, live

The history of the meeting, once we started talking

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (1945v40) 2018 at 11:23 PDT

– We were looking for something with a catch, the Internet and ice (we had air conditioning in the car), we have seen on the way – "pam-pam-pa", "McDonald's", Alesya. – Come in, we hear: "This is Vadim and Alesya!" Turn around, and some guys come to us. It turned out that they also traveled to the United States for about a year. These are our recent subscribers. They themselves from Kazakhstan. We communicate to the management, so we quickly found ourselves. We chatted, drank iced drinks (there were over 45+ in the street). We broke. The probability of meeting in a huge country like this is very small

Honestly, we did not expect our project to be of great interest. And now you can not stop now. For the first two weeks of the trip, we added 3,500 live subscribers. And it should be noted, people are active. Everyone writes live, asks questions, wishes good luck. For us, it's an important motivator. In addition, we did not expect the implementation of the project to be so difficult. Support gives strength. We are grateful.

Publication of Vadim & Alesya Kluchnik (@vadimalesya_key)

– The most enjoyable of the comments is a confession in the spirit of "you inspire us". Among the 3500 new subscribers, there are many Minskers. Guys write, they say, it's cool that in Belarus there are creative guys who are ready to break like this, it gives hope. I think it's fun. There is something to rejoice in, – Vadim concludes .

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