In the factories of Zhlobin and Mazyr, the police captured the "nesunov" with cottage cheese, sour cream and meat


In Zhlobin and Mazyr, the police near the companies arrested four men. Some "nesunov" found 40 kg of dairy products, the second – meat for 400 rubles. Reports on this subject the Department of Home Affairs of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee.

Photo: Department of Home Affairs Gomel Regional Executive Committee
Photo: Department of Home Affairs Gomel Regional Executive Committee

Late on November 27, two men between the ages of 30 and 39, both factory workers, were arrested near the unitary company building Mozyr Dairy Products.

"After putting 41 kg of sour milk and sour cream in garbage bags, they transferred the stolen goods through the fence," said the police department. Workers are suspected of stealing food and are being controlled.

The next day, the guard of Zhlobinsky's meat processing plant noticed strangers loading bags into the car. Subsequently, they were followed, it turned out that local residents aged 33 and 41 years.

"The stolen meat products have been removed in a range of over 400 rubles," said the police department.

On the fact of theft of a criminal case.

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