In the NBU do not understand why it is necessary to authorize Paritetbank to buy the Ukrainian subsidiary of Sberbank of Russia


Katerina Rozhkova, first vice president of the National Bank of Ukraine, does not see why the second request of Belarusian "Paritetbank" for the purchase of the Ukrainian "daughter" of Sberbank of Russia could be approved after the rejection of the first. I can not imagine what new arguments they could put forward, "said Rozhkova in an interview with Reuters.

However, she added that employees of the Ukrainian central bank are still studying the demand, the result up to 19%. Now in 1965, the National Bank of Ukraine refused to Paritetbank to buy a Ukrainian subsidiary of Sberbank because of its incompatibility with the requirements of Ukrainian legislation.June 25 Paritetbank sent the second request

"We have had enough time to carefully study the requirements of the regulator of Ukraine and well prepare for participation in the transaction," said Paritetbank board chairman Sergei Belov. "The decision on second round of negotiations was taken by the Supervisory Board of the Bank and inscribed in the logic of the investment development strategy. "

In Mar s-june, the owner has changed de jure de Paritetbank de jure. Instead of the Office of Presidential Affairs, the State Committee for Property became the owner of 99.8% of the shares of the bank. Observers pointed out that one of the reasons for this refusal was that the UDP leader, Viktor Sheiman, appeared on the Western sanctions lists. At the same time, Sheiman was not a member of the governing bodies of Paritetbank.

The head of a large laundry network came to Paritetbank. The Office of Presidential Affairs left the bank

It was badumed that, given the presence of the Sberbank subsidiary in Belarus, BPS-Sberbank, the transaction has at least partially paid back about $ 1 billion of loans interbank transactions with the head of the Ukrainian branch. Taking into account this, the maximum price of the transaction was estimated at $ 170 million

Paritetbank is the fifteenth out of 25 Belarusian banks per badet, and since 2017, Sberbank of Ukraine was one of the biggest banks in Ukraine. sanctions against the "girls" of five Russian banks. Under the restrictions, there were two "girls" from Sberbank. Ukrainian subsidiaries have been banned from any capital withdrawal for parent companies in Russia. In December 2017, Sberbank sold one of its subsidiaries.

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