In the United States, citizens of Russia and Kazakhstan have been accused of Internet fraud


The charges were brought in absentia against the Russians – Alexander Zhukov, Boris Timokhin, Denis Avdeev, Dmitry Novikov, Alexander Isaev and Mikhail Andreyev, as well as citizens of Kazakhstan – Evgeny Timchenko and Sergey Ovsianikov. The report on the Prosecutor's Office website indicates that Messrs. Ovsyannikov, Zhukov and Timchenko were arrested in Malaysia, Bulgaria and Estonia, respectively. They are waiting for extradition to the United States and the other suspects are on the run.

As stated in court documents, the defendants have used sophisticated computer programs and infrastructure around the world to combat fraud in the digital advertising industry.

Richard Donohue


According to the investigators, there was several fraudulent schemes.

The first was conducted by Zhukov, Timokhin, Andreev, Avdeev and Noviko with the badistance of Ovsyannikov from September 2014 to December 2016. Alleged that the accused managed an advertising network and received money to place ad blocks on the siteIn reality, these ads are not seen by real users. However, businesses have paid more than $ 7 million for this announcement.

The second similar scheme was implemented by Sergey Ovsyannikov, Evgeny Timchenko and Alexander Isaev. She acted from December 2015 to October 2018 and reported, as investigators have established, more than $ 29 million.

Information on the accusations of cyber fraud was confirmed at the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in New York. According to the US Department of Justice, on November 27, six Russian Russians appeared in the Federal Court of Brooklyn. The consulate general keeps the situation under control, "- said in a message to the diplomatic mission on Twitter.

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