In Ukraine, the case of bonuses in "Naftogaz" for the victory over "Gazprom"


The Ukrainian Attorney General's Office opened a criminal investigation into the payment of the reward to the Naftogaz leadership for the victory over the Russian firm Gazprom in the Stockholm Arbitration. Ukrainian Attorney General Yuri Lutsenko told about it, as reported "Ukrainian News".

"Yes, they started (criminal procedure)," he said. "The question is whether the Supervisory Board is authorized to make such decisions." The publication recalls that in May Naftogaz's supervisory board decided to allocate bonuses to the company's management at the time. 1% rate of the winning amount – more than $ 45 million.

At the end of February, the Stockholm Arbitration ruled that Gazprom should pay the Ukrainian company $ 4.63 billion (including Naftogaz's debt for the gas supplied, the total amount was halved to $ 2.1 billion.) Nevertheless, the Russian side did not agree with the decision and appealed at the end of the March, citing procedural irregularities.

However, despite the reduction in the amount of the premium at Naftogaz, the Supervisory Board decided to pay 1% of the total gains – $ 45.6 million, says the Edition of At present, me Half of this amount has been paid. The rest had to be paid when Gazprom will pay off its debt

"The award was handed out to about 40 people who worked on the arbitration process.As a result of this process, the Naftogaz team has earned a lot of money for Ukraine. "Yuri Vitrenko, the commercial director of Naftogaz said in mid-June .

The publication notes that payments to Naftogaz management in these amounts caused confusion among Ukrainians feared that the money would be paid at the expense of taxpayers, since there is no prospect of payment on the part of Russia. In particular, network users wonder why "the premium should be paid by the pocket of the population of the poorest country in Europe, which already thanks to Kobolev and Co. exceeds three times its real value", commented one of the comments

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