Interview with perhaps the only Russian-speaking IT-company CEO Pavel Gonchar: the language, the absorption of the "guarantor" and an overheated labor market


Paul Potter – rather unusual for Belarussian business people. Not only at home but also in the professional relationship, he adheres to the Belarussian language, what surprises and new colleagues and new knowledge. Recently, he has come a long way in the telecommunications industry ("Beltelecom", "Wellcome", "Business Network", "Belarussian social Cloud", "Garant") and moved to the position of executive director of the companies of the ActiveCloud group. About the Belarusian language, the attitude of colleagues, absorbing the nuances of "guarantor" and an overheated job market IT read in the interview

-. First of all, congratulations for the new position. I hope that the experience of telecommunications control companies will help you in a new place and with a new specificity of

-. Thank you very much, already hard work, since I have been working ActiveCloud since the beginning of the year, he started the post of Chief Operating Officer and the first of July was promoted [19659004] – Why did you you decided to stay with the Belarusian language in communication and the way it is perceived by your colleagues in different companies

– you will laugh, but the school in Belarus, I came out of the Belarussian. My father was in the army. At the age of 11 months, the parents took me to the Taimyr, and we lived in Norilsk. A return to Belarus when I was already 11 years old. This was the third year I

had a toothache in the Belarussian language. But taken and in adulthood moved completely. To be honest, I've already started to forget, when and why, it's all natural for me. And the usual to be questioned about it. It's up to you, it sounded the first question, although the Belarusian language is not the key, my skill and is now not exactly personal focus.

colleagues, as well as other Belorussians, in the vast majority belong to the Belarusian language with sympathy and even affection. So, depending on the number of employees, part goes: there is a man of twenty-five here. However, most often to colleagues who are moving, this is not the first attempt, and to develop skills. His first steps in the language people usually do in the home, where a lot of support and a lower burden of social expectations

-. And your home support

– Yes, absolutely. My wife and I bilingvichnyya children (son kvadry- same as he has excellent English and Lithuanian), they do not think, what language is used at a given time. This is normal and very Belarussian, we always knew the language of the neighbors. Remember chetyrehyazychny RSSB 20-ies of the last century

– somehow stimulate their comrades in Belarusian

– I do not focus on it. But I know a lot of people like that. Belarusians have the feeling of their language. In ActiveCloud I hired manager, and has other tasks than those who help themselves set the state's language policy at the expense of shareholders. In addition, the question of language are not in communication.

There may be 5% of people who have Belarussian badets, and they have a good reason to use it. We can see that they enjoy it

-. Can somehow help IT-business in the promotion of our language

– trade, like the others, are mainly interested in profit. If the request is effective, he is generally satisfied. A popularization of the Belarusian language – it is more about national security, language is important as a semiological (symbolic) system that cements society allows individual blocks to feel in one piece, it can even appeal to the # 39; unconscious. Thus, for example, the belmovnay advertising success that begins to work positively on the public. That no one in the area to increase sales, but the opportunity to hook the customer, push positively to your brand. You can just meet a man once in business, then he remembers you (and your business!) For years. What should be? No idea. But it works

-. How easy is it to speak to the Belarusian language in the professional field, where many of its terms, borrowed from English? It was not possible to invent something in

– Once, when computers were big, on group actively works amateurs who made terms translate into Belarusian, animated by his then known linguist and researcher in language Dmitry Savka, who has been with us for several years. There was a dictionary of thousands of words. Since that time, and Google and Microsoft to locate its products in Belarus at a very high level, so that the problem of terminology is not at all, look for a long time need anything

-. Before joining ActiveCloud you worked in Telecom. very different specificity of work in terms of senior manager and you have knowledge of

– The details, of course, there is. More complicated the product, the more complex market, higher requirements on the staff expertise. Telecom looks like a conveyor, it is process, the sale transaction. Here, the company is built around the IT department, whereas in Telecom it usually performs secondary functions. Fortunately, the new place I find many wonderful people who are open and ready to help. Help and to date, I am far before having to know everything, and it is normal that the computer market, everything is in a state of continuous learning, otherwise not survive.

It should be noted that the labor market in the Belarusian IT heavily overheated. Each session of its HTP Supervisory Board publishes 50 new rekrutary companies just started bombarding the people offering the market. Most experts are in the pockets of two or three Ofer. With these people to work harder. Not only financially, it should be the expectations of adequate: the atmosphere, nishtsyaki, cooking with coffee and biscuits. This is the gold standard

-. Such an overheated market does not cause the emergence of staff who lack knowledge, the willingness to learn

– In fact, this rarely happens. Despite the fact that today aytishnyh labor market – a market of the applicant and not the employer, it is still that someone would not take it, goes on the hunt for the better. Say that the academy of yesterday OEM graduates can rely on giperzarplatu, – it is impossible. On the contrary, the level of entry will work in the technical support. But this is a normal experience, followed by a rise in society

-. Why did you leave Velcom? He put an end to the transition period for the transfer of cases to the "Department of Education"? What was in the position of the most difficult business, which absorb

– I came face to the project of integration on the second day after the acquisition. It was important to quickly prepare the company for the merger, and in six months the project was completed, my job is done. The most difficult for the former slave had some agoraphobia when you change the scale of the company. Yesterday again, he was kind and friendly, and here – the principles of business, culture, senior English, a new hierarchy. It is easy to feel abandoned, to enter a deep, nostalgic defense of past days. Therefore, what was then the integration of our team, it was important to work "in people", to help adapt together to build a common future. You know, last week received a thank you letter from the former 'garantavtsa' decent person and a cool professional place. He was very moving. And it is instructive, as a work supervisor, your every decision leaves a clear trace, even if you write the code and cables pulling on the other hand

-. The expansion of Velcom on the market fixed access to the Internet has led to vnifikatsii proposals. Basically, it is undisputed "TV + Internet". Business loves talking about versatile offers for all tastes, but it's more like a trick. As a former leader of telecom companies do you future tariffs under exclusive Internet access? Or refuse all

This option is profitable suppliers, including two years – Let me start with the last question. No, I do not see. Internet Net, like mobile telephony, no longer has its former value in the eyes of the consumer. At its life cycle, these products – "tap water" well beyond the ridge level It can filter, pour into bottles of different sizes, put on the way to the office and appoint a little price. It is small, because there are alternatives that are easily achievable. And there is Wi-Fi and mesenzhary the other more convenient. In this case, any business is always looking for a unique proposition, as they say in marketing or exclusive leverage as economists say. Therefore, the market interest in any new segment, whether it is video content or any other Vasam (value-added service), will be used to continue the life of traditional services. In this case, you mentioned the situation and the customer stays in the win, as the service gets a discount on the package. It would not be the last, there would be no offer, so true

-. On the "cloud" that is much talked about at the beginning of this decade. As they evolved, what benefits do businesses bring and customers

during this period – The main change is that while talking about them, and now they are living and many businesses are working. Evolution is a natural way, order and drift towards self-service, global players in the world market vzbuynyayutstsa, small sold. In developed countries, demand shows a gradual decline in interest for infrastructure (IaaS) and Zoom – until-services (SaaS soft padpisachnyh). We have already seen on the Russian market, where our company has been present for more than 7 years – the majority of our customers are already multsiklavdnyya and well know

what they need for the benefits of the "cloud", these are the [19659006] First of all, flexibility, for example, you are the director and you have a web portal where you do business. Then bring your idea of ​​marketing action, which they estimate increase traffic 5 times. In the case of "iron infrastructure" your IT staff starts to dial the vendor, taking into account the secondary server, and waiting for you deliveries together … If the company ends the cost of acquisition additional resources will remain in your P & L has dead weight. In the case of "cloud" you just temporarily increase the monthly fee for infrastructure services, while znizhaetsesya.

A second benefit concerns the composition of works that badumes your IT department if you are CIO. Or you manage a state where a lot of professionals who perform routine functions of administration and operation, think about the repair of air conditioners in the summer, and the periodic cleaning of the dust filters coolers or give routine on the outsourcing provider, and registered rental payroll pavbagov architects and in collaboration with they think more about the strategy and automation of your business

The third benefit -. such security. Believe me, to provide a comparable level of InfoBezopasnost provider the resource you need

not say goodbye with a monthly budget of the department – computer. What Belarusian companies are more willing to enter the "cloud"? What are the interesting cases with Belarusian practice you can share

– The good news is that this distribution is on the Belarusian market smooths over time. And today, the clouds of "leaders of its astrological chart, we continue with a share of 18%, we have a company whose business is related to the development of software, websites and websites. computer topics at all. Second – the company providing information services, the third – marketing, Ditzhital agencies. As you can see, leaders are quite predictable. More interesting to see drivers fifth-place manufacturers or food in the top ten. This is the question about the "lazy" Belarusian enterprise, a common opinion with which I completely disagree

With regard to interesting cases, they are for ActiveCloud are in the field of Tips :. We are not by chance 15 years in this company, and object of our pride – expertise concentrated in the R & D division. It works specialists at the highest level, and in the market, there is a development in the field. "cloud" systems problems that guys would not give happy. You might be surprised, but in an electronic billing system (the so-called "AIS USF") of the Ministry of Taxes and All Virtualization is done by our specialists. Another striking example, which shows the level of development – the design and launch of a "cloud" of the public for Oman Park data to Oman Sultan. However, the practice of Belarus is not the name, but we remain open and help its customers "cloud" regardless of geography. And we will continue to help

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