Islamic protest or crime? What happened in Azerbaijan Ganja?


In the Azerbaijani city of Ganja, clashes between a group of protesters and the police took place in front of the municipal administration building, after which two high-ranking police officers were killed

. The opposition declared his non-participation

And it all started a week ago with an badbadination attempt on the city's head when the whole country was found without electricity.

On the evening of July 10, a group of people chanting Islamist slogans, gathered in front of the building of the executive power (GI) of the city of Ganja.

There were clashes between the protesters and the police. The local APA news agency reports that about 200 people took part in the action. The video on social media shows soldiers, policemen and a fight with civilians.

A joint statement from the Ministry of the Interior, the Attorney General's Office and the Security Service indicates that a group of 150 to 200 Radicals attempted to violently violate law

The Ministry of the Interior Interior reports that two high-ranking policemen have died as a result of stab wounds inflicted by radical elements.

In addition, according to the Ministry of the Interior, 40 people were arrested. According to the information of the Ministry, the order in the city center was restored in half an hour

One of the policemen killed – the deputy head of Ganja police headquarters, Colonel Ilgar Balakishiyev, the second deputy head of the Nizami District Police Department. Ganja says that at first the police did not react at all to the crowd gathered in front of the executive power building.

"Some people were shouting in the crowd, religious remarks were heard, the police had died ene, but people were walking quietly, – says the BBC BBC one of the witnesses." to say that those who walked made their way to themselves and did not change their way because of this unrest. "

All the while, a bus with soldiers of internal troops was standing nearby. have begun to get involved in the operation to restore order.

The agency "Turan" writes that the protest action organized by social networks was related to the attack on July 3 against the head of the city Elmar Veliyev.On the organizers of the action believe that the attack on Believ was the result of the arbitrary of the official himself. 19659003] But the authorities do not think so. "The tragedy that occurred yesterday in Ganja was a nspiration against the Azerbaijani state, "said Zahid Oruj in an interview with APA. The parliamentarian said that circles seeking to implement illegal scenarios chose Ganja for this.

Azerbaijani Presidential Aid for Social and Political Affairs Ali Hasanov said on his Facebook page that he was expecting greater unity of society around the state.

The opposition considers the incident as a provocation

One of the largest opposition parties, the People's Front of Azerbaijan (PFPA), denies any involvement in the events of Ganja.

In an interview with the BBC, party leader Ali Kerimli said that he was unaware of the imminent action and its participants. "The action that took place in Ganja has nothing to do with us, we do not know who led it and why," he says.

According to him , the opposition has never conducted anonymous acts over many years

Another large opposition party, Musavat, represented by Jahangir Amirkhanli, the former leader of his branch in Ganja, also qualifies the incident of provocation.

According to Ali Kerimli, four members of the Popular Front were arrested after an badbadination attempt against the AIV of Ganja Veliyev [19659004] Why did the attempt provoke unrest and who is Elmar Veliyev?

On the evening of July 3 on Mingya Three days later, the Attorney General's Office, the Ministry of the Interior and the State Security Committee issued a joint statement in which the attempt was described as a terrorist act. Yunis Safarov was accused, who, according to the siloviki, had already fought in Syria.

Ali Hasanov, Azerbaijani presidential aide, claims that this attempt was not social, that it was not a "struggle for justice". Shariah

Hasanov also accused the pro-European opposition, the human rights defender and the political emigrant Leyla Yunus, the Talysh separatists (the Talysh is one of the ethnic minorities), as well as beige religious sites. He said that these forces are engaged in an ideological provocation against the independent policy of the Azerbaijani state.

The presidential aide does not talk about the events of Ganja on July 10th. Nevertheless, his record was published on Facebook the next day, while a week earlier, Hasanov in an interview with the BBC described the attack of the head of the IW of a simple crime.

Now he says that at the time he did not have sufficient data. Now, according to him, we are talking about the facts of the synchronized ideological provocation against the state on the part of separatists, religious radicals, "internal opposition", working only for money and comfort.

Without specifying directly about the events of July 10, Hasanov, nevertheless, writes: "It is impossible to understand the treacherous zeal of those who support them from within, trying to justify the crime against the police. "

Some media reported the rude attitude of Elmar Veliyev towards the inhabitants of the city. Hasanov in this regard says that these media have tried to create an Islamophobic and anti-Shiite image of Veliyev.

"Since the beginning of this year, there has been a sharp increase in the number of articles on the brutal behavior of Elmar Veliyev .– It is obvious that because of the fact that the population of the country is not so sensitive to religious subjects, it became necessary to form the image of the "culprit of social tyranny."

Elmar Veliyev is a member of the New Zealand party. Khanlar Veliyev

According to the President of the Center for Economic and Political Studies, the Far Center, former ambbadador to Russia Hikmet Hajizada, Veliyev was in constant conflict with the inhabitants of Ganja who were trying to show social activity

"It's not only political activists, but also representatives of civil society, NGOs," said the political scientist in an interview with the BBC. "There have been constant scandals with religious activists it has either closed or reopened the mosque "

At the same time, Hajizade does not consider the incident in Ganja provocative. "Nothing says that, and there's no trace of it," he says. "The tension has accumulated, and finally it has exploded."

The twisted nuts?

The political scientist notes that what happened in Ganja may be a new reason for tightening nuts. In his opinion, it took place after protests in the cities of Guba and Ismayilli in previous years. It is a constant practice, believes the expert.

Then, five years ago, in the city of Ismayilli, there were protests from local residents demanding the resignation of District IV. These demonstrations resulted in the destruction of hotels and cars

A year ago, the city of Guba was occupied by the head of district, Rauf Khabibov, who declared that the Guba had sold their neighborhood and they themselves rather than insulting their compatriots. Khabibov is a parent of the former Minister of Transport, Ziya Mammadov

then the opposition also denied any involvement in the riots. Nevertheless, a number of opponents have been arrested. In particular, after the events of Ismayilli, Ilgar Mammadov, leader of the Republican Alternative Party, was arrested. Subsequently, he was sentenced to seven years in prison for organizing disturbances and violence against the police.

Despite the decision of the ECHR to release him, Mammadov is still in prison – this is the only case in Azerbaijan. In total, according to local human rights defenders, there are more than 140 political prisoners in the country. Most of them (80 people) are members of religious groups, raids occurring all over the country after another similar event – clashes in the village of Nardaran in 2015. Then the villagers and police officers perished.

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