Israel began bombing Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip


The Israeli army launched a mbadive bombing of the Hamas movement in the Gaza Strip. It is aviation, artillery and tanks. The main targets of the bombing were eight Hamas installations, and the reason was an attack on the Israeli army.

  Photo: Reuters "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 843 "data-x-src =" https: // " data-x-width = "1200" data-y-height = "505" data-y-src = "https: //img.tyt .by / 720x720s / n / reuters / 0b / a / rtx3rg31_predstavitel_dvizheniya_khamas.jpg" data -y-width = "720" zoom-data = "1" height = "506" hspace = "0" src = "https: // jpg "title =" Photo: Reuters "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  "At the present time, the Israeli armed forces have launched a mbadive attack against targets related to the Hamas terrorist organization in the Gaza Strip," said the l & # Israeli army </p>
<p>. an attack against the Israeli army. "Those who previously reported a sniper fire that was opened to them from the territory of the Gaza Strip.There is no information on the losses of Israel. </p>
<p> "Hamas has decided to worsen the situation and will take responsibility for its actions. The Israeli army is in a state of alert, said the Israeli army. </p>
<p> According to the Haaretz newspaper, following attacks on Hamas positions, at least four people were The Hamas battalion "Izz al-Din al-Qbadam" declared that they were his fighters, says the publication.Now Hamas began evacuating its forces from the firing zone </p>
<p> "All the world in the Gaza Strip needs to step back. Not next week. Not tomorrow. Now "- Nikolai Mladenov, UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East, wrote on Twitter </p>
<p> Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Lieutenant General of the Israel Defense Forces Gadi Eisenkot called senior officials of the Ministry of Defense and Tel Aviv Political Leaders </p>
<p> Since the beginning of April, mbad demonstrations of Palestinians have taken place in the Gaza Strip to support their right to return to the occupied territories of Israel. and demand the end of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, The Israeli and Egyptian military maintain that such a blockade is necessary to deter extremists. </p>
<p> According to the health authorities of the Gaza Strip, more than 130 months of mbad demonstrations on the border with Israel took place, Palestinians and 15,000 people were injured and wounded. </p>
<p> The Hamas movement, which controls the band of Gaza, does not recognize the right to the existence of Israel. However, last year, the Hamas leadership declared that it would be ready to accept the creation of a temporary Palestinian state limited by the territory of the sector and the occupied territories in the West Bank. </p>
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