"It's been two weeks already at work." In hospitals in the capital are concerned about the lack of colleagues


"The Case of Medics" is growing every day with new names. At the same time, hospitals do not directly say that their colleagues are detained, but state that they do not know where they are. They are just not at work, but they are not on vacation.

The Chief Medical Officer of the 1st Hospital does not appear at work since June 22nd. Photo: Katerina Borisevich, TUT.BY

In the 1st city clinical hospital in Minsk, the duties of the chief physician Oleg Fomin are performed by his deputy. The clinic employees absence of the chief doctor badociated with a strong corruption case. And do not rule out that Fomin is now behind bars, although officially this version of the law enforcement agencies does not confirm. To talk about the disappearance of the chief medical officer of the 1st hospital, his subordinates are not in agreement right away.

– There are different rumors. When he did not go to work, and it was in June, they just did not talk. Of course, about detention, too. We went to the administration ourselves and asked: "Is it true that he is detained?". We were told: "Yes, that's right," – says TUT.BY employee of the city's first clinical hospital. – We watch the program "PE" on TV, we wait for it shows us, but they do not show it.

After these words, another employee is connected to the conversation, referring to a colleague:

– Why do you say so? Do you need it? Let's go

Information that Oleg Fomin does not work now, has been confirmed by several other people.

– Now the tasks of the chief doctor are carried out by his badistant Marina Ivanovna Remsha, – inform TUT.BY at the reception. Marina Ivanovna takes her office

When asked if the leader is detained, the woman replies:

– I do not have this information, no document of dismissal from Oleg Yurievich, there is an order from the Health Committee to appoint me acting with June 22nd. Why did you even decide that he was detained?

– Your subordinates say this.

– They do not have such information. Every day I come to work, and employees who know nothing, start talking, the information becomes fancy. They call me: "Oleg Yurievich goes around the territory".

Oleg Fomin is still considered the chief medical officer of the hospital. Photo: Katerina Borisevich, TUT.BY

Now doctors discuss the detention of another chief physician – Sergei Korytko the head of the Republican Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy.

– He does not work yet – Says TUT.BY Irina Khmara Associate Chief Medical Officer.

– It appeared that Sergei Sergeevich was being detained.

– I do not know, please specify at the Ministry of Health

Irina Khmara "does not remember", from what date her supervisor does not go to work. [196] 59004] Konstantin Drozdovsky said:

– I will refrain from commenting.

Similarly, the Surgeon General answered the question of whether all his deputies are now in the workplace.

It turned out that the deputy chief of the medical unit Sergei Semyjon was absent from the work of the medical center of MTZ. This information was confirmed by the chief physician of the clinic Nikolai Kovchel .

– How long has he been away from work?

– Two weeks

– You same chief physician, you must know where he is …

– Officially, I do not know anything.

– It's not on vacation?

– No.

One of the Minsk doctors on condition of anonymity agreed to tell TUT.BY what kind of atmosphere is now in the medical institutions.

– The situation is heavy and heated, each doctor sees himself as a possible person involved in the criminal case. People are afraid to do something, so that later, it was not considered corruption. And the main problem is the lack of information, no one clarifies the situation, we expect the reaction of the Ministry of Health, "says the doctor of the city. – I know that the 9th hospital is seriously worried about his fellow detainees

The press service of the Ministry of Health and the KGB could not be called

On June 25, the president KGB, Valery Vakulchik, revealed that the committee had discovered In the field of public health services in Belarus, dozens of people were arrested. Among them – the director of the Center for Expertise and Health Tests Alexander Stolyarov, the director of the company "Belmedtechnika" Alexander Sharak, the head of the health department of the Executive Committee of Grodno Oblast Andrei Strizhak and the head of the military medical department of the Ministry of Defense Alexey Yeskov. Later, we learned of the arrest of Deputy Minister of Health Igor Lositsky, the Chief Medical Officer of the Minsk Regional Hospital Andrei Korolko, the director of the Republican Center for Scientific and Practical Trauma and Orthopedics Alexander Beletsky , the Chief Medical Officer of the 9th Hospital Valery Kushnirenko and the Head of the Endoscopic Department. () {var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement (& # 39; script); fbds.async = true; fbds.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _fbq.loaded = true;}; _fbq.push ([‘addPixelId’,’644378592349624′]); }) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([‘track’,’PixelInitialized’,{}]); [ad_2]
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