Johnson & Johnson ordered $ 4.7 billion for women who used powder


The US court ruled that Johnson & Johnson should pay $ 4.7 billion in compensation to 22 women who claim to have developed ovarian cancer after years of using powder powders for talc-based babies for J & J.

  Photo: Reuters "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 786 "data-x-src =" reuters / 03/5 / rtx3bufq_johnson_johnson.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 471 "data-y-src =" /03/5/rtx3bufq_johnson_johnson.jpg "data -y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 472 "hspace =" 0 "src =" n / Reuters / 03/5 / rtx3bufq_johnson_johnson. jpg "title =" Photo: Reuters "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Reuters </figcaption></figure>
<p>  The Missouri jury decided that the company should pay $ 550 million in damages and $ 4.1 billion in punitive damages to these women. </p>
<p>  9000 other complaints were filed against Johnson & Johnson in relation to the child powder that it produces. </p>
<p>  The company stated that she was deeply saddened by the court's decision and that she had the intention to appeal the decision. </p>
<p>  The trial lasted six weeks. In their testimony, women and their loved ones reported having contracted cancer after decades of using baby powder and other talc – based products for hygienic purposes. </p>
<p>  Their lawyers argued that since the 1970s </p>
<h2>  "Unfair Process" </h2>
<p>  The company denies the presence of asbestos in its talc and insists that the powder that it produces does not cause cancer. </p>
<p>  bk – a mineral from the clbad of silicates, which are often found near asbestos deposits </p>
<p>  Johnson & Johnson also claims that a number of independent studies have come to the conclusion on the safety of talc .. J & J also called the jury's decision the result of a deeply unfair trial. </p>
<p>  The FDA conducted research between talc stories of various companies, including J & J's baby powder, between 2009 and 2010, and found no trace of asbestos [19659004DuringthetrialinMissouritheprosecutorallegedthatJohnson&Johnsonhadappliedimpropermethodstotesttheirproducts</p>
<p>  According to the British charity Ovacome, which helps people with ovarian cancer, </p>
<h2>  Record Sentence </h2>
<p>  It's the biggest fine in the world. history of the existence of Johnson & Johnson in connection with accusations that talc can cause cancer. </p>
<p>  In 2017, a California court ordered the company to pay $ 417 million to a woman who allegedly contracted cancer after using J & J products, including talc. </p>
<p>  However, this verdict was annulled. 19659004] Jury verdicts on the pursuit of financial sanction of corporations is often overturned either by the president of the court or by appeal. </p>
<p>  Johnson & Johnson has repeatedly succeeded in obtaining the annulment of jury decisions </p>
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