July 3 – can we repeat it? Meteorologists explain how to manage this weather


At high altitude, a cyclone fell on Belorussia. Twisted, looked closely and decided that he would not be bothered by a little stability. He is not going anywhere, he intends to stay with us, since we do not mind. The clues do not perceive, hang the curtains, water the ficus. In Belgidromet they hasten to console: this is not a return on July 3, it is better to panic for more appropriate situations. Short, powerful, frequent and warm rains do not look like what we had to experience recently.

The hurricane started something on the floor, spreading moisture and smearing it unevenly. Somewhere, Brest is almost carried away in the storm, and somewhere he freezes and awaits the promised showers of Gomel.

Meteorologists badure us that in the near future everything will be paid. For the weekend and the beginning of next week, rains are expected (sometimes strong) with thunderstorms and stable and unstable weather. Where there is a storm, as we remember, wait for the wind. Someone will have a hailstorm.

At the same time, there are enough light fixtures in the clouds to heat the air and make a beautiful light. The daily temperature will remain at 23-26 degrees.

Apparently, this weekend will have to take risks. At any time, you can have a basin of hot water on your head (for example, in Minsk, a thunderstorm is expected on Saturday afternoon), but that's not an excuse to stay at home. House. Make reservations with OZK capes and capes

Remember past exploits. July 14, 1951 Minsk warmed to 33.2 degrees. On the night of July 15, 1968, it was colder at +5.3 degrees.

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