Kalinin: Housing construction in Minsk and regional centers should be cut in half


Reduce housing construction in the capital and develop satellite towns – such tasks in the very near future will be discussed in government. Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Kalinin spoke about it on the STV television channel

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https : / /img.tyt.by/n/shukaylo/0c/9/anatoliy_kalinin_belagro_20170606_tutby_phsl_7661.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: // img. tyt.by/720x720s/n/shukaylo/0c/9/anatoliy_kalinin_belagro_20170606_tutby_phsl_7661.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: / /img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/shukaylo/0c/9/anatoliy_kalinin_belagro_20170606_tutby_phsl_7661.jpg "title =" Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY </figcaption></figure>
<p>  – We see that it is necessary to reduce by at least half the construction of multi-storey houses in Minsk and in the regional centers. With this proposal, we will go to the government and discuss these decisions, "said Kalinin, noting that currently 20% of the population lives in the capital. </p>
<p>  As a result, the Deputy Prime Minister will develop satellite towns The volume of construction in them will be increased at least 4-5 times. </p>
<p>  – Without a doubt, we find new forms of credit conditions .The first project is Smolevichi.In the satellite city, we propose to lend and build to residents, while a house, according to the terms of the 240th decree.It is to say on concessional loans. </p>
<p>  Another deterrent against the influx of population in the big cities is the construction of industrial production facilities inside them. </p>
<p>  – This must be solved.While we will allow the construction in Minsk and in the regional centers, nobody will visit the area. Regarding the capital, Kalinin said that Minsk should be relocated between the first and second infrastructure. </p>
<p>  – And we see that Minsk is facing a big problem with the allocation of land to developers already. At the same time about 3 million unfinished construction, including 2.3 million square meters of unfinished construction in Minsk only. </p>
<p>  So, this process is endless, why I say that next year in the program of 2019-2020 Deputy Prime Minister said that the government plans to build up to 5 million meters housing squares per year by 2020. </p>
<p>  – Only the inhabitants of Minsk can be built in Minsk families, well, commercial again, with volumes and limited capacity, he again stressed [19659011] (function () {var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement (& # 39; script; & # 39;); fbds .async = true; fbds.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName (& quot; script & # 39;) [0]; s. parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _fbq.loaded = true;}; _fbq.push ([‘addPixelId’,’644378592349624′]);}) (); window._fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([‘track’,’PixelInitialized’,{}]); </script></pre>
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