Killed by "The Beginner" Don Sturges was cremated in Salisbury


The cremation of Don Sturges, aged 44, took place in the city of Salisbury, who died, as the police say, of the effects of a nerve agent of the group "Newcomer"

  Don Sturges. Air Force website photo "border =" 0 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 371 "hspace =" 0 "src =" don_sterdzhes-ks. jpg "title =" Don Sturges. Air Force website photo "vspace =" 0 "width =" 660 "/>

<figcaption> Don Sturges. Photo of Air Force Web Site </figcaption></figure>
<p>  At the Cremation of Sturges, over a hundred people attended, including his 11-year-old daughter and friend Charlie Rowley, who presented a lethal substance to Don Sturges and were poisoned by the novice. The coffin with a British body will not be kept under protection for safety reasons, on the recommendation of the Public Health Service of England (PHE). </p>
<p>  This turned out to be wrong. Priest Philip Bromilly, who served at the funeral, told reporters that PHE officials spoke with the organizers, but brought the coffin to the crematorium. </p>
<p>  PHE, in turn, stated that cremation posed no risk to the public. other comments were refused. </p>
<p>  After the death of Don Sturges, a criminal case was opened on the article "Murder". The British have three children left. She was poisoned by her friend Charlie Rowley, who found a bottle with stuff on the street and mistook for perfume </p>
<h2>  Bottle with "Novice" </h2>
<p>  As Charlie Rowley has said, he believes that he himself presented Sturges with a bottle of toxin. In an interview with Ai-ti-vi, he said that a few days before poisoning, he found a bottle in a closed box and looked very expensive, and decided that it was safe. # 39; acted of a perfume </p>
<p>  Where exactly he found the box. The box with the bottle was at Rowley for several days, on June 30 he presented it to Sturges. As Rowley said, she immediately recognized the scent brand, opened them and sprayed the liquid on her wrists. </p>
<p>  15 minutes later, Don Sturges felt bad. She was hospitalized, and in a few hours Rowley himself was hospitalized. On July 8, Stredge died, a few days later, Rowley was released from the hospital. </p>
<p>  Samples taken from the victims were examined at the State Chemical Laboratory in Porton Down and concluded that they were exposed to the substance of the "Rookie" group. and Stredge poisoned four months after the attempted murder in Salisbury of a former GRU officer, Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Julia with the help of a similar substance </p>
<p>  According to the British authorities Russian agents were behind the poisoning of the Fiddles. Moscow denies involvement in poisoning. </p>
<p>  The poisoning of the Fiddles led to the greatest diplomatic scandal over the years between Russia and Britain. Moscow and London sent dozens of diplomats, after which a number of Western countries also announced the expulsion of Russian diplomatic representatives in solidarity with Britain </p>
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