Kondrusiewicz on the command of the military cemetery: It is the destruction of our history


Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, head of the Byelorussian Catholic Church, called on Belarusian authorities and public organizations to preserve the historic value of Minsk Military Cemetery. The text of the address of the Metropolitan of Minsk-Mogilev, President of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Belarus, is available on the website catholic.by

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY
The Military Cemetery is one of the oldest preserved necropolis in Minsk. Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY

Kondrusiewicz describes the work done in the graveyard as an example of "negative attitude towards our history."

"The order begun at Minsk Military Cemetery is often badociated with the destruction of monuments and tombstones, which was done at Krupcy Cemetery, located on Pobediteley Avenue. Authenticity of the cemetery as a historical, cultural and religious value.The disappearance of the crosses indicates a shift from Christianity – the traditional religion of our homeland – to the periphery of life, "Kondrusiewicz estimates

but it does not take not that the order be ordered to the cemetery, the metropolitan notes.The memory of the victims must be perpetuated correctly, as happened, for example, in Trostenz.For example, Kuropaty reminds Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz: " I call on the authorities of the Republic of Belarus and public organizations to do everything possible to preserve the historical value of the military cemetery of Minsk. Prevent ruin f uture of the holy places which are the burial places of the deceased, and preserve our history, "he writes

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