Let's feel the hands of each other! The best memes and viral videos of November


Nature freezes, birds fly south and we stay at home. We go to work in the dark and come back every day in the dark. In anticipation of six months of bad weather, all that remains is to kiss the central heating battery and watch the memes. We brought them to you in the traditional monthly collection. And to receive every day a pinch of memory when delivering home, subscribe to our channel "Some Game" Telegram.

Tradition of feeling hands

Twitter user by pseudo main vacuum burst into a huge chain of messages about the tradition existing among normal men – to feel each other's hands. It seems like it can be funny with a handshake? However, it is enough to call this process differently, because it acquires a caricature sense while remaining vital. However, decide for yourself.

Father sponge

On November 27, Stephen Hillenberg died in the United States at the age of 56 – creator of the animated series Sponge Bob Square Pants. In recent years he has struggled with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Since 1984, Stephen has been teaching marine biology. And during the three years of his career, Bob Sponge and Starfish Patrick were born, with the help of which Stephen illustrated his lectures. But with the teaching, he quickly started and left to make cartoons.

The series that made him famous about the seabed dwellers was published in 1999 and has since been the most important success mark, Nickelodeon, adding more and more new episodes. Hillenberg's characters were so colorful that they could not become memes. Like the Western press, let's say goodbye to Father Spongebob with a handful of memes.

Fantastic giants against me

In mid-November, social networking users began to actively share a fantastic art. No, it's not a waking interest for fantasy, but just another batch of memes. Photos taken to identify in the role of a minor character and in daily turmoil – in the role of giants.

Thus, a saleswoman who knows how to cancel a purchase, or a "policeman at the station", who receives three times more shawarma than usual, has become a giant.

Pikachu ofigel

In the fall, Pikachu came back not only as a character of the new Pokémon game for Nintendo Switch, but also as a very popular character. The virus was a freeze-frame of the 10th episode of the very first season of the anime pokemon, where Pikachu froze in surprise by opening his mouth. In the memes, this symbolized the surprise as to the result of his own actions, which, from the outside, seems obvious.

In RuNet, it turned anyone's surprise about a natural result. For example, if a rapper dies as a result of an overdose, he consumes drugs indiscriminately.

Oldy here?

Oldy in the fall counts. Popular streamers have been adopted from "Dvach" (I remind you that the real "Dvach" is dead, but everyone does not care) – the tradition of organizing a phone call from veteran users who have been watching the channel for a long time and know some local memes. This is usually accompanied by the question "Oldy here?", To which they answer "Here" and "On the spot". The popularization of the years has resulted in a small package of memes, which have finally acquired a parodic meaning: you never know who is old and who is newfag.

Bull of two meters

The real bull of the social networks in November was the giant Australian bull, which was 194 centimeters tall and was now standing above the grazing inhabitants. It's because of his size that he avoided a one-way trip to the slaughterhouse. The bull is seven years old, weighs nearly a ton and a half and is nicknamed Nickers.

NONONONO The cat is already in cats paradise

Internet said goodbye to the cat, nicknamed NONONONO Cat. The clip with him was uploaded to YouTube in 2011. In the video, the cat marquis spoke almost English.

He died in the summer, but Perm's reporters, in whose area the cat was living, only learned about it in November.

– The marquis lived a decent cat life. Until age 16, he had two months left: he was very skinny, even though he ate more than usual. He started to refuse the kidneys and the liver, he stopped controlling the "toilets", – told the owners of the animal.

They also remember that the original video was shot in 2003 or 2004, when friends of a four-year-old daughter came to visit him. Probably, the cat has never seen a man so small and particularly nervous.


The video that was shot by Dmitry Kedrov was the real drama of last month. With the help of a quadrocopter, he watched the bear and his teddy bear try to climb a snowy mountain. And if in an adult animal it happened quite easily, the little slipped very often, which worried the mother.

Valera we will not leave

Everyone has had a best friend who did not want to leave for a minute. Especially in childhood. There is a girl with this video. The friend is a little unusual, his name is Valera and his mother forbids him to ride in a wheelchair in the yard.


Before the final agreement, let us remember the web comics drawn by skilled craftsmen, which have not reached the general public, but have been widely appreciated by VKontakte.

Coub & # 39; iration

And in the end, as usual, we offer a selection of the most interesting and popular Koubs from last month.

Christmas trees in the catalog Onliner

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