Long not see. How are things done with Miss Belarus, who refused the prize, the owner of the maze maze and the caster Yaroslav, who shamed the men for whining


Hundreds of comments, tens of thousands of points of view – in due course, these guys forced readers to argue, smile or sneak a tear. True, literally, the next day the news feeds filled with new stories and they went into the shadows. But what's going on in their lives? Heroes Onliner on the way they live now.

Foundry Jaroslav: "I work there, but with health while everything is fine"

In one of the numbers of our project "Dream Job", Minsker shared his opinion. Yaroslav. The 23-year-old man said that he was ashamed of the peasants who were complaining about the salary. Himself at the age of 17 went to the factory. He says he's used to working and not whining

Why do you choose sons of mothers who are not used to working in heroes and wait for something to fall from the sky? – he was indignant in his letter to the editor

The opinion of Yaroslav did not leave our readers indifferent. More than 1400 comments. Someone admired the guy, someone jubilant and said that work in the mold is not a reason to be proud.

More than a year pbaded, pbadions had long since disappeared. Jaroslav, in fact, did not resign, although he did

I did not want to go into the unknown, to be honest, when all OK, – told the Onliner.by guy. – I work there, recently high, become team leader. In September of last year I got married, now I plan to make repairs in the apartment. Everyone was worried about my health. I can annoy them, or please them: every year I am checked until everything is in order.

The creator of maze maze: "I managed to open and close the business and work in Ukraine for a year"

last year. He is a BSU geofaculty graduate, and participated in the IPM Business School Entrepreneurship Ideas Competition. The guy suggested organizing a maze maze at Cukupolis in Belarus, and despite all the skepticism of others, he succeeded.

The idea of ​​the guy was supported by the famous farmer Dmitry Krylov from Dzerzhinsky district. Last year, the site won.

We finished the season well. They could not even think you could make a good profit on corn, the guy says. For the year that we have not seen, he has managed to finish the geofaculty of the BSU and to enter the judiciary of the Faculty of Economics.

We finish the season in September, I have a master's degree, I do not need to pay. I decided: well, everything, we'll do business, – the guy remembers. – I was in Moscow at a conference and I saw some towels-stickers for smartphones. He caught fire. For a month, I opened a business, launched a product, made two big deliveries with a good margin. But a Ukrainian businessman then wrote me and suggested to work with him, by launching projects. I'm already spinning around. He was the director of his company, so he left everything and went to Kiev

But it did not work. Two months, the young businessman worked there, but came back. He studied at the Judiciary and then taught teens at a business school. More recently, he graduated and again engaged in the development of the project "Kukupolis". He says that this year he has received a lot of experience, which he is now applying.

We have doubled the territory. Visitors will be lost with us for two hours, – says the guy. – We plan twice as much activity. And on July 21, we already open

Alexander also admits that he is actively preparing for the marathon. He wants to run it in Amsterdam this fall.

Miss Belarus, who gave the prize to charity: "I think that the competitive stages for me have already pbaded"

The winner of the Miss Belarus Contest Polina Borodacheva has been retained by several moments. Female hockey player Minsk "Dynamo" postponed the wedding for two years to participate in the competition. And then she took and refused the main prize – the Geely EX7 car. Her winner donated to the Rudensky Orphanage

Now Polina continues to study at the Faculty of English at MSLU. The girl has completed the fourth course

In one way or another, you forget to spread something, or maybe you do not want to. Here you have just lived … Magic Island #Bali

Publication of Polina Borodacheva (@polina_borodacheva)

Many things have of course changed in the life. The first time after the competition was recognized in the streets, they were periodically asked to take a picture, she said. – Am I sorry to have refused the price? No, to be honest, I was going for that purpose – give up the price in favor of charity. I hope that the advice of the orphanage for the needs of children circulate there.

My new photo for # MissWorld2016 # MissBelarus2016 #Belarus Photographer: @ wedding.pro.photo Mua: @ lissa.t4 Hair: @alla_shelehova Dress: @dresscode_by Accessories: @dushenka_accessories

Post by Polina Borodacheva (@polina_borodacheva)

After participating in the contest "Miss World 2016", Polina does not think about participating in other beauty pageants, although the proposals there is a girl called to participate in the Miss Supranational, the beauty contest in Monaco and so on.

There too you must be single, but I am going to make a wedding, – says the girl has. – We have already postponed it for a long time: we have met for five years. Now I have a family in the first place, that is why I am a little bankrupt and do my personal life.

Continental CupMy champion !! My pride @ neg_4 ❤️ #junostminsk # continental cups

Publication of Polina Borodacheva (@polina_borodacheva)

Mom of a girl with phenylketonuria: "We waiting for the decision of the Ministry of Health, many people are already in despair "

Last summer, we talked about Masha, who suffers from a rare genetic disease, phenylketonuria. Then the problem was that after 18 years, the state would stop giving the girl a special food that would be vital to her.

And buying it at commercial prices for the family was almost impossible. Five cans, which are enough for a month, would cost 1230 rubles in Masha, not to mention the special products. So the Ministry of Health did not solve this problem, in response from the Ministry, which we received later, it was said that the ability to isolate amino acids for patients with phenylketonuria is considered. But what is the result?

Masha is doing well with her health. She graduated from college, pbaded the exams and graduated from the Economics University, said Elena's mother. – Masha celebrated his 18th birthday and ceased to be considered invalid. She stopped giving special mixtures of amino acids and paying benefits. How to go out? Kind people helped a lot, people with the same diseases of Ukraine and Russia gave us banks with drugs. My friends helped us a lot, they would not have faced them without them.

The Ministry of Health has not yet decided the issue of the free isolation of these amino acids. As a temporary option, we are offered to consider buying a drug at a purchase price (about $ 35 a pot, which is three times cheaper). It seems that even an oral agreement on this issue is already there. However, even with such a price, not everyone will be able to spend $ 200-240 a month. The issue could have been resolved if the drug had been added to the list of concomitant medications because it is a necessary and urgent permanent treatment for these people. If the local budget or the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection paid for at least part of the cost of the drug, perhaps for many it would be a solution. Girls with PKU could plan a pregnancy. In general, we have been waiting a long time for the decision of the Ministry of Health. Many people are already in despair.

You know, many countries are already using other ways to treat this disease: when people with PKU make special injections. And we even have a method with special food that is not available for those over 18 years old.

Minskers who tried to punish a tax that did not give a plaintive book: The income tax of 5.4 thousand rubles does not comply with the rules. She did not pay. Together with father Yuriy Yurievich, they found the legislation and got the recalculation of the tax. But during the proceedings, which took half a year of nerves and forces, Yuri Yurievich and Catherine decided to prosecute the tax officials who, according to them, did not provide any complaints, gave answers that violated their interests legitimate.

We require that the responses of these officials be found to be inconsistent with the regulatory framework. After all, by law, they are required to give verbal or written verbal consultation. We also ask that their responses be recognized as violating the rights of citizens. In addition, we want them to answer for their actions, then our heroes said.

According to the businessmen, they failed to prove their accuracy – they lost both the district court and the municipal court. They did not go to the Supreme, because it made no sense, Yury Yurievich says. – You know, in the end I was even disappointed by the judicial system … But there is a positive moment.

A single father with three daughters: "I married a second time, my fourth daughter for a year and seven months"

A little over three years ago, we recount history of a locomotive engineer in the Lida of Eduard Korneychuk. A man – one of the few fathers – tried to make sure that the three daughters Marina, Nastya and Inna stayed with him, although the mother of the girls was a socially prosperous woman.

Two older girls study in Minsk. Both have already moved to the fourth year, – says Edward. – The eldest, Marina, is studying at the BSUIR at the Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks (the girl took the prize at the Republican Olympiad in Astronomy and entered the school. university without exams, Nastya – at the Academy of Communications.The elder is already working in the computer society at the same time.The youngest went to grade 8. How am I going? the same job, nothing has changed, I got married a second time, and here is my fourth daughter one year and seven months, so everything is fine for us

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