Macron took the situation in hand with the former head of his security department


French President Emmanuel Macron commented on the situation around his adviser and chief of security, Alexander Benall, who beat a man at the May Day demonstration in Paris. This is reported by BFMTV

  French President Emmanuel Macron, followed by Alexander Benall. July 14, 2018. Photo: Reuters
French President Emmanuel Macron, followed by Alexander Benall. July 14, 2018. Photo: Reuters

"They are looking for a responsible person, and the only person responsible is me, I am in front of you, I answer the French … That those who need it come to me", said Emmanuel Macron,

At the same time, he noted that he considered the act of Benal as treason and that no one in the country should be above the law. "What s & rsquo; Happened on May 1st was a betrayal for me … Nobody in my entourage and in my office has ever had the right to violate existing laws and regulations and no one has used protection in this regard, "he said.] Reminder, a broad public response" Benell affair "acquired in the middle of last week after the publication in the French media of a video in which l & # 39; ex-employee of the Elysee Palace, Alexander Benall, during the demonstration on May 1 in Contescarp square in Paris, addresses bru the girl and thrashes him several times. He was in the protective helmet of the forces of order.

  Collage from the screen captures of the video
A collage of video screen captures

The Paris Procuratorate begins a preliminary investigation into the incident. If Benall's guilt is proven, he faces three to seven years in prison and a fine of 45 to 100 thousand euros.

French President Emmanuel Macron has been criticized for the actions of his chief of security

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