MARCH on a sharp rise in chicken prices: "Some manufacturers were still listening to us"


A little less than a week ago, collusion on the prices of the seven largest poultry producers was realized. According to MART, some of them still listened to the requests and lowered the price tags. However, as the representatives of the Ministry themselves admitted, the current legislation does not allow prices to be lowered. All are hoping for a new version of the law against monopolistic activity and the development of competition, which will come into effect on August 3.

– Today we are discussing price issues under the law on the remedies of citizens and legal persons. legal management of MART Tatyana Pareiko. – The law defines the period of review of such applications – 15 days and a maximum of one month. We consider these calls for establishing signs of violations in them. If we see these signs, then we have our own internal procedure: we issue an order to conduct an antimonopoly investigation against a particular entity, which is indicated in the call or request. And then the investigation begins. Immediately to say how long it will last, it is impossible, since any antimonopoly investigation is to collect information: it is the direction of the requests, the receipt of the answers, the treatment, the badysis . There are surveys that do not correspond to a year. To date, in order to get out of these limited time limits established by the legislation on citizen appeal, we have already written special terms in this new edition of the law. These terms are longer, but they allow a more detailed study of the situation. In addition, we now proceed to this review more openly, we have the opportunity to formally introduce the documents of the case, accordingly, to present a wider range of evidence. In other words, we encourage the participants themselves to make the maximum effort to conduct the most effective survey possible. Unfortunately, now we see very often the presence of signs, but we can not prove it. But violent subjects are not always IPs who illegally use the mark.

According to Tatyana Pareiko, the new version of the law will allow not to wait until the end of the investigation and to be able to issue the injunction and react to

– Since August 3, we will be able, after observing collusion on prices, immediately issue a warning to the subjects and continue to pursue the investigation, she notes. – If this situation with the chicken farmers occurred after August 3, we would send an official warning to the entities that we believe are involved in price collusion. In this warning, we would characterize their violations in terms of standards and suggest that they take certain corrective actions without waiting for the outcome of the investigation. After all, the consumer sees a price hike now, and he needs a price cut now, not months or years. This tool allows you to quickly influence the situation. The ultimate goal of the antimonopoly body, which concerns consumers, is the right price in the market. This is equitable conditions for all market players and, first and foremost, for consumers, buyers of the same product.

Tatyana Pareiko explains that the facts of collusion on prices, as in the case of chicken farmers, reveal fairly quickly:

The body that coordinates the pricing activity in the country. We have built our own clear, understandable and well coordinated monitoring system, coordinated with the regional executive committees and the Executive Committee of the city of Minsk. We have signed agreements with the same major commercial networks – they also provide us with information on price changes, including those of suppliers. Therefore, do not notice any conspiracy, when you have almost the whole chain, it is impossible.

What will happen next to chicken farmers? According to ministry officials, if after August 3 there will be a collusion on prices, they will receive an official warning with the elimination of the violation. If the warning is not respected, they will be fined for breaking the anti-monopoly legislation. This represents up to 10% of the market product on which the offense was committed, but not less than 400.

– But we have already realized that some manufacturers were still listening to us, – the representative of the Ministry concluded.

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