Maternity house №3 from the inside. What is the situation in one of the oldest maternities in Minsk?


In the maternity ward № 3 last year 2150 births took place. It is one of the oldest maternities in Minsk and it is located on the basis of the 3rd city clinic hospital.

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY [19659003] – Our motherhood is many years old, it is a monument, it is very small and it seems to me that it is very comfortable and very welcoming. a kind of daily difficulties with the attitude towards our patients, and I hope we get it ", such words were opened by the meeting with the future parents by the deputy chief medical officer of the & # 039; Obstetrical hospital

. Maternity house?

In Minsk, the open house "Maternity-friendly maternity home" continues. Another maternity ward, where the future parents were at the meeting, is located on the base of the 3rd hospital. Elena Goshkevich at the beginning of her speech recalled that the hospital was opened in 1965. It is symbolic that once near this place there was a stone to which women came to the hospital. Pagan era and asked for help for childbirth.

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" /roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4613.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data -y-src =" roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4613.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" /4/roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4613.jpg "title =" Photo by Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Maternity No. 3 in Minsk </figcaption></figure>
<p>  Today, the third maternity gives birth to women who are affixed to him on the 1st, 4th, 6th, 11th, 12th, 16th and 34th women's consultations. Patients with severe kidney disease and thrombophlebitis are also referred to here (venous disease – Comment TUT.BY). These come here because the hospital has a surgical department, and they must be under the supervision of surgeons. Some of the pregnant women with phlebotomiasis (pathological thrombus formation in the deep veins) are also sent to this hospital. </p>
<p>  The specificity of motherhood is, among other things, that women with infectious diseases give birth. This includes, among other things, HIV positive status, hepatitis C, once transferred to tuberculosis (there are hardly any such patients), ORVI </p>
<p>  Elena Goshkevich does not hide: because of the specificities people, there can be bad stereotypes. But in reality, pregnant women with infectious diseases do not cross with other pregnant women until in the reception room at the time of registration. The same situation can occur in any consultation of women. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https: //img.tyt .by / n / shukaylo / 08/4 / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4506.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 08/4 / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4506.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: //img.tyt .by / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 08 / 4 / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4506.jpg "title =" Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> During the action "Maternity-Friendly Maternity House" in the third maternity of Minsk </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In the maternity ward, pregnant women with infectious diseases are on the ground floor, there is a separate entrance . Pregnant women from other departments here simply do not fall. </p>
<p>  On the first floor, there is a parent, their ward, with staff working with pregnant women. </p>
<p>  – There is my own sister, my underwear. For HIV-infected patients, they are disposable, and in operational underwear, they are only once. For patients in this department, we have separate sets for cesarean section, separate instruments for delivery. The risk in terms of the epidemiological situation is minimized to the extent that it can be minimized. In addition, we have a plasma sterilizer. Thanks to him, 100% of the death of all micro-organisms is badured, – explains the deputy chief physician. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" /elena_goshkevich_roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4605.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: // / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 01/10 / elena_goshkevich_roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4605.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // /10/elena_goshkevich_roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4605.jpg "title =" Photo by: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Obstetrics at Clinical Hospital 3rd Minsk City Elena Goshkevich </figcaption></figure>
<p>  At the same time, according to Elena Goshkevich, midwives, who worked in this department during about 40 years, did not contract any infectious disease [19659003] In 2016, the "troika" gave birth to 400 women with infectious diseases, in 2017 – about 800. </p>
<p>  The Maternity Hospital n ° 3 is special because it has a service that helps women with postpartum complications </p>
<h2>  Where they expect contractions and po </h2>
<p>  In the hospital there are several types of prenatal rooms : quadruple and simple. It is the place where women expect fights. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" 0c / 2 /roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4517.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" n / shukaylo / 0c / 2 / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4517.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 0c /2/roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4517.jpg "title =" Photo by Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Four-Place Prenatal Room </figcaption></figure>
<p>  If a couple chooses deliveries, then, of course, during the fighting, the woman will be in one room because she has to be there with her husband. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY border =
Single prenatal room.

He finds in a separate prenatal place in the area of ​​114 rubles. Births of partners are free. But it is important that, for example, a husband has a certificate stating that he has attended maternity clbades in a public institution and a certificate of a polyclinic stating that he may be hospitalized. This means that he will also have to go through fluorography, and the therapist will examine him for there to be no contagious diseases.

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY
Rodzal in the third maternity ward

There are no transforming chairs in the maternity ward of the "troika", so there will be no vertical delivery here. There are also no single rooms for delivery. But because of the low number of pregnant women, there is virtually no situation where multiple types of childbirth take place at the same time. These are isolated cases

What do rooms look like?

There can be a maximum of five people in the common rooms. In the pathology department of pregnancy, there are rooms where women are three together.

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https: // / n / shukaylo / 10/0 / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4509.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt. by / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 10/0 / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4509.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // img / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 10/0 / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4509.jpg "title =" Photo by: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> General Chamber in the Department of Pregnancy Pathology. </figcaption></figure>
<p>  If the patient wants, then after delivery, she may be in a single or double superior comfort room. The day will cost 50 rubles. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" n / shukaylo / 03 / f / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4540.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" 03 / f / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4540.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 03 / f / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4540.jpg "title =" Photo by Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Natalia with her daughter Xenia in a two-seater pavilion </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In a single room, a woman will also have a refrigerator. In this case, the bathroom is on the floor. In the maternity ward, they say that as a rule, there are no queues. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https: // /roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4533.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: // / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 0c / 4 / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4533.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "zoom-data =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // /4/roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4533.jpg "title =" Photo by Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Single Room </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In November 2017, the VIP room appeared at the maternity ward. Now he has a very high demand, the registration is already in September. Motherhood notes that now many women want privacy – after all, they started giving birth later, and at age 35, some are not ready to share the room with several neighbors. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY height =

This room has a separate entrance from the street, there is a double bed, sofa bed, TV, WI-FI, air conditioning, kettle, microwave, separate bathroom and even a bathrobe. And in the room and in the bathroom there are alarm buttons, with which you can call the medical staff.

In this room, a woman can be with her husband or relatives. They come here through a separate entrance, they always change clothes and change clothes, leaving things in a special locker.

  Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY
VIP Room

– It seems to me that it's very fair that a woman be here with her husband. We are calmer for the patient, when she is not alone, although we come here without interruption. After the birth, everything happens – for the first day, few people feel very comfortable, especially primiparous women, explains Elena Goshkevich.

Accommodation in this room for three days and a set of services a day when a woman gives birth will cost 734 rubles.

  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" b / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4554.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4554.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" 0c / b / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4554.jpg "title =" Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> WC in the VIP room </figcaption></figure>
<p>  In the department where there are women with infectious diseases after birth, there is also a single room. There she does not use the request. Women are three in the room depending on their illness, not the fact that so many pregnant women enter the hospital at the same time, so the patient can stay alone </p>
<h2>  "Delaying cord clamping n & # Is not uncommon "</h2>
<p>  Elena Goshkevich notes that Today, indeed, the woman began to give birth later than before. As a rule, the first child began giving birth at 26-30 years of age. </p>
<figure clbad=  Photo: Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "border =" 0 "data-x-height =" 800 "data-x-src =" https: // /roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4582.jpg "data-x-width =" 1200 "data-y-height =" 480 "data-y-src =" https: //img.tyt .by / 720x720s / n / shukaylo / 0c / a / roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4582.jpg "data-y-width =" 720 "data-zoom =" 1 "height =" 480 "hspace =" 0 "src =" https: // /a/roddom_3_20180725_shuk_tutby_phsl_4582.jpg "title =" Photo by Olga Shukailo, TUT.BY "vspace =" 0 "width =" 720 "/>

<figcaption> Moms bring children to a special post to weigh and examine children's doctors </figcaption></figure>
<p>  – At this age, women have completed their social program, education, have established themselves in life and decide now to reproduce. note that in the third hospital, there is a positive attitude for both spinal anesthesia and delayed clamping of the umbilical cord. Delayed compression is now done by everyone, as neonatologists ask. The exception is when the same neonatologists are asked to do otherwise for medical reasons. </p>
<p>  <img alt=

In the maternity ward, 92% of children are badfed, only children whose mother can not do so for health reasons feed the mixture .

  Photo: About uka Shukaylo, TUT.BY
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

There is no infant resuscitation in the maternity ward, there is an intensive care unit where new are treated, for example, with pneumonia

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