Merkel explained the need for sanctions against Russia


"We are not applying sanctions to Russia for reasons of sanctions, but we are imposing sanctions to make it clear that countries even geographically close to Russia have the right to develop as they wish," he said. said Merkel. The European Union and the United States began imposing sanctions on Russia in 2014 as part of the annexation of Crimea and the current situation. South East From Ukraine.

The German Chancellor announced that she plans to discuss the conflict with Ukraine on the Black Sea at the next G20 summit in Argentina, as well as at the next G20 summit in Argentina.

According to diplomatic sources Reuters, the European Union's power branch has called for the expansion of sanctions against Russia because of incident off the Crimea. However, according to interlocutors, the European bloc does not intend to hurry in this case and could refuse to introduce new restrictive measures. Earlier, Rebecca Harms, a member of the European Commission on Parliamentary Cooperation between Ukraine and the EU, said that EU countries should be ready to react to the violation of international law by Russia by severe sanctions. In addition, she called for a freeze on cooperation on the "Nord Stream – 2."

On the evening of November 25, Russian border guards attacked three Ukrainian warships, which followed the sea of ​​Azov through the Kerch Strait. According to the FSB, the ships went to Russia's territorial waters without warning and did not respond to calls from the Russian side. Kiev badured that she had notified in advance the movement of the vessels. The ships were captured and 24 Ukrainian citizens who were there were arrested. As part of this incident, the Ukrainian authorities adopted martial law in ten regions of the country until 26 December.

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