More than 1,200 refugees were saved from the coast of Spain in two days


For the migration problem, a European solution is required, said the Spanish Minister of the Interior during his visit to Andalusia, where more and more refugees arrived by sea.

The Spanish service of search and rescue has saved more than 1,200 refugees in recent days. On July 27, in the Alboran Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar in the western Mediterranean, rescuers collected 888 people on board. The next day, more than 330 migrants were rescued near the coast of the southern region of Andalusia, crossing 17 boats. Sunday, July 29, Spanish rescuers continued their research

– The problem of migration is a problem for Europe and a pan-European solution is needed, "said the Spanish Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande -Marlaska, during his visit to Andalusia, the police and the Spanish Civil Guard, and thanked them for their professionalism, humanity and "respect for the law, even in the most difficult circumstances", according to the website of the Spanish government on Twitter

Hoy el ministro Great-Marlaska, @interiorgob ha visited the agents of [1 9459010] @policia y @guardiacivil in Algeciras has quienes ha agradecido su profesionalidad, humanidad y respeto a la ley, incluso en las circunstancias más difíciles.

– The Moncloa (@desdelamoncloa) July 28, 2018

Great-Marlaska has accused the previous Conservative government of insufficient preparation for the influx of refugees and announced the opening of a camp for migrants in the port city of Algeciras, in the south of the country [19659003] Last weekend, more than a thousand migrants were rescued off the coast of Spain. In recent weeks, more and more migrants have arrived in the country by sea. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has called the new main objective of European refugees. According to the IOM, since the beginning of the year 2018, nearly 21,000 migrants have arrived in Spain, 18,100 in Italy and 15,500 approximately in Greece, according to the AFP news agency

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