Naryshkin has proposed to the Ministry of Culture to support rappers with grants


"The rapper's theme caught the attention of the organizing committee and I thought: Should the Ministry of Culture think about subsidizing the modern form of poetic and musical creativity?"

In turn, the special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for International Cultural Cooperation, Mikhail Shvydkoy, called for a dialogue with the rappers.

"I came out of curiosity for rapper Noize MC's concert, there were thousands of young people. This is the literature of the younger generation today … we need to establish a dialogue with these guys. Go on the Internet and see how many people read it and listen to it … ", – he said.

I see how these guys "excite" young people … it's a parallel world that exists side by side and that you can not ignore.

Mikhail Shvydkoy

Special Representative of the President for International Cultural Cooperation

Shvydkoy added that the government should not communicate with representatives of this subculture exclusively in the language of bans. "Prohibition measures will not work, we went through this with the rock movement: for the 80s, there was also a vocabulary that seemed impossible. It is a very difficult subject, but the problem exists and it can only be the subject of our attention, "added the special representative of the president.

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