National Bank: "We plan to reach a single figure at the refinancing rate next year"


That's what the head of the National Bank, Pavel Kallaur, said. According to him, the regulator is considering the possibility of reducing the refinancing rate next year. However, with a reservation: everything will depend on the functioning of the economy of the country as a whole: the state of the balance of payments and the external situation.

– We expect to achieve unambiguous value at next year's refinancing rate. This will, of course, depend on how the economy as a whole functions, the state of the balance of payments and the external situation. We will make decisions at board meetings. We will communicate the schedule of these meetings to the public at the end of this year and we will strictly follow these schedules directly, – BelTA conveys the words of the head of the National Bank. According to him, interest rates on loans will continue to fall.

– That is, they will strive for unambiguous values. First, we are talking about the refinancing rate. After that, we expect a further reduction of rates on loans in rubles, – noted Pavel Kallaur. – Once the decision on the interest rate has been made, the opinion of the president will be needed, explaining why such a decision was made and what is the cause. In order for the public to understand and trust the National Bank's policy.

Now remember that the refinancing rate is 10%. This year, it decreased twice by half a percentage point. Last year, the refinancing rate was reduced eight times from 17% to 11%.

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