"No need to buy matches." Poroshenko explained why he introduced martial law in Ukraine


Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko gave an interview to three Ukrainian TV channels, in which he explained why he introduced martial law into the country. Excerpts from the interview publishes 112.ua.

Photo: twitter.com/poroshenko
Photo: twitter.com/poroshenko

According to the president, the decision on martial law was taken because Ukraine is under threat of a large-scale war with Russia.

He announced intelligence data on a Russian military base located 18 km from the border with Ukraine. He showed documents to the journalists.

"As you can see, the number of tanks on bases along the border has tripled. Why were they relocated there? The number of units has increased significantly. The position on the possible lessons does not justify this increase in any way, "Petro Poroshenko said.

Photo: twitter.com/poroshenko
Photo: twitter.com/poroshenko

The President believes that after the incident occurred at sea Azov, it is necessary "to ensure that the Ukrainian armed forces repel in case of large-scale land invasion".

"These tanks are not removed yet. They stay there. And so I do not want anyone to think it's fun or toys. The country is under threat of total war with the Russian Federation, "the president said.

For Poroshenko, the incident in the Kerch Strait is "an extraordinary event for the first time in 4.5 years of conflict".

"The purpose of martial law is to show that the enemy will pay a very high price if he decides to attack us and that it would be like a cold shower that would stop the fools who have been in the house. intend to attack Ukraine. And if there is no aggression, consider that the goal of these actions has been achieved, "added the president.

Poroshenko said that he would need a few minutes to organize an effective defense of the country. He also badured that his powers are not expanding.

"The president has exclusive constitutional powers, including the defense of the country under Article 106 of the Constitution. It is the direct constitutional responsibility of the president that is supposed to protect the country, "he said.

Was there a conversation with Putin

According to Poroshenko, after the incident in the Kerch Strait, he tried to contact Russian President Vladimir Putin by telephone but did not receive a reply from Moscow. Then Poroshenko turned to German Chancellor Angela Merkel to talk with Putin about the fate of the Ukrainian sailors on board the ships.

Putin's press officer Dmitry Peskov confirmed today that there has been no contact between the presidents recently.

Organize concerts, go to the bank and do not need to buy matches

The president promised that after the introduction of martial law, there would be no restrictions on the constitutional rights of citizens.

The president urged not to panic: "Go to concerts, go to the banks. No need to run in stores and buy matches and salt … There will be no restrictions on the withdrawal of deposits, foreign exchange transactions, trips abroad of Ukrainian citizens. "

However, restrictions are provided for Russian citizens.

"For Russian citizens, these restrictions will be introduced. And I think that is fully justified. Because we have to create, through a proper visa-free regime, an addition to the fifth column, which is already working here, is absolutely irresponsible, "added the president.

He also promised that, for the duration of martial law, no military administration would be created, but only a defense headquarters.

"To organize the preparation of the territorial defense: verification of the reserve, verification of the possibilities of mobilization, verification of the technical state. Part of the troops will be redeployed, combat coordination will be reduced and the stay at permanent dislocation points as well as advancement at the border will be reduced in order to immediately organize an effective defense, "said the president.

About the elections

Poroshenko said: the law determines that elections can not be held during martial law, including elections in united territorial communities, reports the presidential press service.

"I want to emphasize that I will do everything in my power … For today, democracy is not broken by the threat of Russian aggression. And we have no military power there … I will do everything in my power to prepare for the next plenary session of the Verkhovna Rada the necessary legislative initiatives which will have a limited duration by the end of the year, which would make it possible to hold elections in unified territorial communities. "He said.

The head of state stressed the importance of ensuring a normal life to Ukrainian citizens and decentralization reform to help citizens.

Conflict in the Kerch Strait

On November 25, the Russian FSB reported that border guards had used weapons against Ukrainian warships Berdyansk, Nikopol and Yana Kapu, allegedly violating the state border. The Ukrainian side announced an act of aggression on the part of Russia.

According to Ukraine, six sailors were injured, the Russian side talks about three Ukrainian soldiers injured during the conflict, they are in the hospital.

The President of Ukraine called on the leaders of the Russian Federation to demand the release of Ukrainian seamen and ships. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the incident in the sea of ​​Azov was a provocation on the side of Ukraine. A spokesman for Russian President Dmitry Peskov called the incident "invasion of the territorial waters of the Russian Federation", and said that the Russian side had acted in strict accordance with international law and the law. internal.

On November 26, the Verkhovna Rada supported the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. The President of the country, Petro Poroshenko, was at the origin of these measures.

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